class Prism::InspectVisitor
This visitor is responsible for composing the strings that get returned by the various inspect methods defined on each of the nodes.
The list of commands that we need to execute in order to compose the final string.
The current prefix string.
Public Class Methods
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 41 def self.compose(node) visitor = new node.accept(visitor) visitor.compose end
Compose an inspect string for the given node.
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 35 def initialize(indent = +"") @indent = indent @commands = [] end
Initializes a new instance of the InspectVisitor
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 48 def compose buffer = +"" replace = nil until commands.empty? # @type var command: String | node | Replace # @type var indent: String command, indent = *commands.shift case command when String buffer << (replace || indent) buffer << command replace = nil when Node visitor = command.accept(visitor) @commands = [*visitor.commands, *@commands] when Replace replace = command.value else raise "Unknown command: #{command.inspect}" end end buffer end
Compose the final string.
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 77 def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("AliasGlobalVariableNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── new_name:\n", indent] commands << [node.new_name, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── old_name:\n", indent] commands << [node.old_name, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a AliasGlobalVariableNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 89 def visit_alias_method_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("AliasMethodNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── new_name:\n", indent] commands << [node.new_name, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── old_name:\n", indent] commands << [node.old_name, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a AliasMethodNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 101 def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("AlternationPatternNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── left:\n", indent] commands << [node.left, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── right:\n", indent] commands << [node.right, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a AlternationPatternNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 113 def visit_and_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("AndNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── left:\n", indent] commands << [node.left, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── right:\n", indent] commands << [node.right, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a AndNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 125 def visit_arguments_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ArgumentsNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("contains_forwarding" if node.contains_forwarding?), ("contains_keywords" if node.contains_keywords?), ("contains_keyword_splat" if node.contains_keyword_splat?), ("contains_splat" if node.contains_splat?), ("contains_multiple_splats" if node.contains_multiple_splats?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── arguments: (length: #{(arguments = node.arguments).length})\n", indent] if arguments.any? arguments[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent} ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent} │ "] end commands << ["#{indent} └── "), indent] commands << [arguments[-1], "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a ArgumentsNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 141 def visit_array_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ArrayNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("contains_splat" if node.contains_splat?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── elements: (length: #{(elements = node.elements).length})\n", indent] if elements.any? elements[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [elements[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ArrayNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 159 def visit_array_pattern_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ArrayPatternNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (constant = node.constant).nil? commands << ["├── constant: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── constant:\n", indent] commands << [constant, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── requireds: (length: #{(requireds = node.requireds).length})\n", indent] if requireds.any? requireds[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [requireds[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end if (rest = commands << ["├── rest: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── rest:\n", indent] commands << [rest, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── posts: (length: #{(posts = node.posts).length})\n", indent] if posts.any? posts[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [posts[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ArrayPatternNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 198 def visit_assoc_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("AssocNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── key:\n", indent] commands << [node.key, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a AssocNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 210 def visit_assoc_splat_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("AssocSplatNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (value = node.value).nil? commands << ["├── value: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [value, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a AssocSplatNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 224 def visit_back_reference_read_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("BackReferenceReadNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a BackReferenceReadNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 232 def visit_begin_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("BeginNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── begin_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.begin_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end if (rescue_clause = node.rescue_clause).nil? commands << ["├── rescue_clause: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── rescue_clause:\n", indent] commands << [rescue_clause, "#{indent}│ "] end if (else_clause = node.else_clause).nil? commands << ["├── else_clause: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── else_clause:\n", indent] commands << [else_clause, "#{indent}│ "] end if (ensure_clause = node.ensure_clause).nil? commands << ["├── ensure_clause: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── ensure_clause:\n", indent] commands << [ensure_clause, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a BeginNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 265 def visit_block_argument_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("BlockArgumentNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (expression = node.expression).nil? commands << ["├── expression: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── expression:\n", indent] commands << [expression, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a BlockArgumentNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 279 def visit_block_local_variable_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("BlockLocalVariableNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("repeated_parameter" if node.repeated_parameter?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a BlockLocalVariableNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 287 def visit_block_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("BlockNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── locals: #{node.locals.inspect}\n", indent] if (parameters = node.parameters).nil? commands << ["├── parameters: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── parameters:\n", indent] commands << [parameters, "#{indent}│ "] end if (body = node.body).nil? commands << ["├── body: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── body:\n", indent] commands << [body, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a BlockNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 309 def visit_block_parameter_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("BlockParameterNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("repeated_parameter" if node.repeated_parameter?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (name = commands << ["├── name: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── name: #{name.inspect}\n", indent] end commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a BlockParameterNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 323 def visit_block_parameters_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("BlockParametersNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (parameters = node.parameters).nil? commands << ["├── parameters: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── parameters:\n", indent] commands << [parameters, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── locals: (length: #{(locals = node.locals).length})\n", indent] if locals.any? locals[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [locals[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a BlockParametersNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 347 def visit_break_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("BreakNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["├── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a BreakNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 361 def visit_call_and_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("CallAndWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("safe_navigation" if node.safe_navigation?), ("variable_call" if node.variable_call?), ("attribute_write" if node.attribute_write?), ("ignore_visibility" if node.ignore_visibility?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (receiver = node.receiver).nil? commands << ["├── receiver: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [receiver, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── call_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.call_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── message_loc: #{inspect_location(node.message_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── read_name: #{node.read_name.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── write_name: #{node.write_name.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a CallAndWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 381 def visit_call_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("CallNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("safe_navigation" if node.safe_navigation?), ("variable_call" if node.variable_call?), ("attribute_write" if node.attribute_write?), ("ignore_visibility" if node.ignore_visibility?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (receiver = node.receiver).nil? commands << ["├── receiver: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [receiver, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── call_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.call_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── message_loc: #{inspect_location(node.message_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["├── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] if (block = node.block).nil? commands << ["└── block: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── block:\n", indent] commands << [block, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a CallNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 411 def visit_call_operator_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("CallOperatorWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("safe_navigation" if node.safe_navigation?), ("variable_call" if node.variable_call?), ("attribute_write" if node.attribute_write?), ("ignore_visibility" if node.ignore_visibility?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (receiver = node.receiver).nil? commands << ["├── receiver: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [receiver, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── call_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.call_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── message_loc: #{inspect_location(node.message_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── read_name: #{node.read_name.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── write_name: #{node.write_name.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── binary_operator: #{node.binary_operator.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── binary_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.binary_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a CallOperatorWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 432 def visit_call_or_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("CallOrWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("safe_navigation" if node.safe_navigation?), ("variable_call" if node.variable_call?), ("attribute_write" if node.attribute_write?), ("ignore_visibility" if node.ignore_visibility?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (receiver = node.receiver).nil? commands << ["├── receiver: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [receiver, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── call_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.call_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── message_loc: #{inspect_location(node.message_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── read_name: #{node.read_name.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── write_name: #{node.write_name.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a CallOrWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 452 def visit_call_target_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("CallTargetNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("safe_navigation" if node.safe_navigation?), ("variable_call" if node.variable_call?), ("attribute_write" if node.attribute_write?), ("ignore_visibility" if node.ignore_visibility?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [node.receiver, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── call_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.call_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["└── message_loc: #{inspect_location(node.message_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a CallTargetNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 464 def visit_capture_pattern_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("CapturePatternNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── target:\n", indent] commands << [, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a CapturePatternNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 476 def visit_case_match_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("CaseMatchNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (predicate = node.predicate).nil? commands << ["├── predicate: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── predicate:\n", indent] commands << [predicate, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── conditions: (length: #{(conditions = node.conditions).length})\n", indent] if conditions.any? conditions[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [conditions[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end if (else_clause = node.else_clause).nil? commands << ["├── else_clause: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── else_clause:\n", indent] commands << [else_clause, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── case_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.case_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a CaseMatchNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 506 def visit_case_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("CaseNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (predicate = node.predicate).nil? commands << ["├── predicate: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── predicate:\n", indent] commands << [predicate, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── conditions: (length: #{(conditions = node.conditions).length})\n", indent] if conditions.any? conditions[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [conditions[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end if (else_clause = node.else_clause).nil? commands << ["├── else_clause: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── else_clause:\n", indent] commands << [else_clause, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── case_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.case_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a CaseNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 536 def visit_class_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ClassNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── locals: #{node.locals.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── class_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.class_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── constant_path:\n", indent] commands << [node.constant_path, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── inheritance_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.inheritance_operator_loc)}\n", indent] if (superclass = node.superclass).nil? commands << ["├── superclass: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── superclass:\n", indent] commands << [superclass, "#{indent}│ "] end if (body = node.body).nil? commands << ["├── body: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── body:\n", indent] commands << [body, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ClassNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 562 def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ClassVariableAndWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ClassVariableAndWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 574 def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── binary_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.binary_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── binary_operator: #{node.binary_operator.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 587 def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ClassVariableOrWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ClassVariableOrWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 599 def visit_class_variable_read_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ClassVariableReadNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ClassVariableReadNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 607 def visit_class_variable_target_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ClassVariableTargetNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ClassVariableTargetNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 615 def visit_class_variable_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ClassVariableWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ClassVariableWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 627 def visit_constant_and_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantAndWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ConstantAndWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 639 def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantOperatorWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── binary_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.binary_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── binary_operator: #{node.binary_operator.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ConstantOperatorWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 652 def visit_constant_or_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantOrWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ConstantOrWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 664 def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantPathAndWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── target:\n", indent] commands << [, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ConstantPathAndWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 676 def visit_constant_path_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantPathNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (parent = node.parent).nil? commands << ["├── parent: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── parent:\n", indent] commands << [parent, "#{indent}│ "] end if (name = commands << ["├── name: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── name: #{name.inspect}\n", indent] end commands << ["├── delimiter_loc: #{inspect_location(node.delimiter_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ConstantPathNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 696 def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── target:\n", indent] commands << [, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── binary_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.binary_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── binary_operator: #{node.binary_operator.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 709 def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantPathOrWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── target:\n", indent] commands << [, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ConstantPathOrWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 721 def visit_constant_path_target_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantPathTargetNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (parent = node.parent).nil? commands << ["├── parent: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── parent:\n", indent] commands << [parent, "#{indent}│ "] end if (name = commands << ["├── name: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── name: #{name.inspect}\n", indent] end commands << ["├── delimiter_loc: #{inspect_location(node.delimiter_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ConstantPathTargetNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 741 def visit_constant_path_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantPathWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── target:\n", indent] commands << [, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ConstantPathWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 753 def visit_constant_read_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantReadNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ConstantReadNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 761 def visit_constant_target_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantTargetNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ConstantTargetNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 769 def visit_constant_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ConstantWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ConstantWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 781 def visit_def_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("DefNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] if (receiver = node.receiver).nil? commands << ["├── receiver: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [receiver, "#{indent}│ "] end if (parameters = node.parameters).nil? commands << ["├── parameters: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── parameters:\n", indent] commands << [parameters, "#{indent}│ "] end if (body = node.body).nil? commands << ["├── body: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── body:\n", indent] commands << [body, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── locals: #{node.locals.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── def_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.def_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── lparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.lparen_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── rparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.rparen_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── equal_loc: #{inspect_location(node.equal_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a DefNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 815 def visit_defined_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("DefinedNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── lparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.lparen_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── rparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.rparen_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a DefinedNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 827 def visit_else_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ElseNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── else_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.else_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ElseNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 842 def visit_embedded_statements_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("EmbeddedStatementsNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a EmbeddedStatementsNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 857 def visit_embedded_variable_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("EmbeddedVariableNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── variable:\n", indent] commands << [node.variable, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a EmbeddedVariableNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 867 def visit_ensure_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("EnsureNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── ensure_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.ensure_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a EnsureNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 882 def visit_false_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("FalseNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a FalseNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 889 def visit_find_pattern_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("FindPatternNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (constant = node.constant).nil? commands << ["├── constant: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── constant:\n", indent] commands << [constant, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── left:\n", indent] commands << [node.left, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── requireds: (length: #{(requireds = node.requireds).length})\n", indent] if requireds.any? requireds[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [requireds[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── right:\n", indent] commands << [node.right, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a FindPatternNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 917 def visit_flip_flop_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("FlipFlopNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("exclude_end" if node.exclude_end?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (left = node.left).nil? commands << ["├── left: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── left:\n", indent] commands << [left, "#{indent}│ "] end if (right = node.right).nil? commands << ["├── right: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── right:\n", indent] commands << [right, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a FlipFlopNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 937 def visit_float_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("FloatNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value: #{node.value.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a FloatNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 945 def visit_for_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ForNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── index:\n", indent] commands << [node.index, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── collection:\n", indent] commands << [node.collection, "#{indent}│ "] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── for_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.for_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── in_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.in_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── do_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.do_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ForNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 966 def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ForwardingArgumentsNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ForwardingArgumentsNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 973 def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ForwardingParameterNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ForwardingParameterNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 980 def visit_forwarding_super_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ForwardingSuperNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (block = node.block).nil? commands << ["└── block: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── block:\n", indent] commands << [block, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a ForwardingSuperNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 993 def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("GlobalVariableAndWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a GlobalVariableAndWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1005 def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── binary_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.binary_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── binary_operator: #{node.binary_operator.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1018 def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("GlobalVariableOrWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a GlobalVariableOrWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1030 def visit_global_variable_read_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("GlobalVariableReadNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a GlobalVariableReadNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1038 def visit_global_variable_target_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("GlobalVariableTargetNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a GlobalVariableTargetNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1046 def visit_global_variable_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("GlobalVariableWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a GlobalVariableWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1058 def visit_hash_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("HashNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── elements: (length: #{(elements = node.elements).length})\n", indent] if elements.any? elements[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [elements[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a HashNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1076 def visit_hash_pattern_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("HashPatternNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (constant = node.constant).nil? commands << ["├── constant: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── constant:\n", indent] commands << [constant, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── elements: (length: #{(elements = node.elements).length})\n", indent] if elements.any? elements[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [elements[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end if (rest = commands << ["├── rest: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── rest:\n", indent] commands << [rest, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a HashPatternNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1106 def visit_if_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("IfNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── if_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.if_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── predicate:\n", indent] commands << [node.predicate, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── then_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.then_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end if (subsequent = node.subsequent).nil? commands << ["├── subsequent: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── subsequent:\n", indent] commands << [subsequent, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a IfNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1130 def visit_imaginary_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ImaginaryNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── numeric:\n", indent] commands << [node.numeric, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ImaginaryNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1139 def visit_implicit_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ImplicitNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ImplicitNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1148 def visit_implicit_rest_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ImplicitRestNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ImplicitRestNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1155 def visit_in_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── pattern:\n", indent] commands << [node.pattern, "#{indent}│ "] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── in_loc: #{inspect_location(node.in_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── then_loc: #{inspect_location(node.then_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1172 def visit_index_and_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("IndexAndWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("safe_navigation" if node.safe_navigation?), ("variable_call" if node.variable_call?), ("attribute_write" if node.attribute_write?), ("ignore_visibility" if node.ignore_visibility?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (receiver = node.receiver).nil? commands << ["├── receiver: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [receiver, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── call_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.call_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["├── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] if (block = node.block).nil? commands << ["├── block: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── block:\n", indent] commands << [block, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a IndexAndWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1203 def visit_index_operator_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("IndexOperatorWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("safe_navigation" if node.safe_navigation?), ("variable_call" if node.variable_call?), ("attribute_write" if node.attribute_write?), ("ignore_visibility" if node.ignore_visibility?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (receiver = node.receiver).nil? commands << ["├── receiver: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [receiver, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── call_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.call_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["├── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] if (block = node.block).nil? commands << ["├── block: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── block:\n", indent] commands << [block, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── binary_operator: #{node.binary_operator.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── binary_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.binary_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a IndexOperatorWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1235 def visit_index_or_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("IndexOrWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("safe_navigation" if node.safe_navigation?), ("variable_call" if node.variable_call?), ("attribute_write" if node.attribute_write?), ("ignore_visibility" if node.ignore_visibility?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (receiver = node.receiver).nil? commands << ["├── receiver: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [receiver, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── call_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.call_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["├── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] if (block = node.block).nil? commands << ["├── block: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── block:\n", indent] commands << [block, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a IndexOrWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1266 def visit_index_target_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("IndexTargetNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("safe_navigation" if node.safe_navigation?), ("variable_call" if node.variable_call?), ("attribute_write" if node.attribute_write?), ("ignore_visibility" if node.ignore_visibility?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── receiver:\n", indent] commands << [node.receiver, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["├── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] if (block = node.block).nil? commands << ["└── block: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── block:\n", indent] commands << [block, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a IndexTargetNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1289 def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InstanceVariableAndWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a InstanceVariableAndWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1301 def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── binary_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.binary_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── binary_operator: #{node.binary_operator.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1314 def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InstanceVariableOrWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a InstanceVariableOrWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1326 def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InstanceVariableReadNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InstanceVariableReadNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1334 def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InstanceVariableTargetNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InstanceVariableTargetNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1342 def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InstanceVariableWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InstanceVariableWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1354 def visit_integer_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("IntegerNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("binary" if node.binary?), ("decimal" if node.decimal?), ("octal" if node.octal?), ("hexadecimal" if node.hexadecimal?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value: #{node.value.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a IntegerNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1362 def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("ignore_case" if node.ignore_case?), ("extended" if node.extended?), ("multi_line" if node.multi_line?), ("once" if node.once?), ("euc_jp" if node.euc_jp?), ("ascii_8bit" if node.ascii_8bit?), ("windows_31j" if node.windows_31j?), ("utf_8" if node.utf_8?), ("forced_utf8_encoding" if node.forced_utf8_encoding?), ("forced_binary_encoding" if node.forced_binary_encoding?), ("forced_us_ascii_encoding" if node.forced_us_ascii_encoding?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── parts: (length: #{(parts =})\n", indent] if parts.any? parts[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [parts[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1380 def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("ignore_case" if node.ignore_case?), ("extended" if node.extended?), ("multi_line" if node.multi_line?), ("once" if node.once?), ("euc_jp" if node.euc_jp?), ("ascii_8bit" if node.ascii_8bit?), ("windows_31j" if node.windows_31j?), ("utf_8" if node.utf_8?), ("forced_utf8_encoding" if node.forced_utf8_encoding?), ("forced_binary_encoding" if node.forced_binary_encoding?), ("forced_us_ascii_encoding" if node.forced_us_ascii_encoding?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── parts: (length: #{(parts =})\n", indent] if parts.any? parts[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [parts[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1398 def visit_interpolated_string_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InterpolatedStringNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("frozen" if node.frozen?), ("mutable" if node.mutable?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── parts: (length: #{(parts =})\n", indent] if parts.any? parts[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [parts[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InterpolatedStringNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1416 def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InterpolatedSymbolNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── parts: (length: #{(parts =})\n", indent] if parts.any? parts[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [parts[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InterpolatedSymbolNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1434 def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("InterpolatedXStringNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── parts: (length: #{(parts =})\n", indent] if parts.any? parts[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [parts[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a InterpolatedXStringNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1452 def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ItLocalVariableReadNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ItLocalVariableReadNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1459 def visit_it_parameters_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ItParametersNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ItParametersNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1466 def visit_keyword_hash_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("KeywordHashNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("symbol_keys" if node.symbol_keys?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── elements: (length: #{(elements = node.elements).length})\n", indent] if elements.any? elements[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent} ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent} │ "] end commands << ["#{indent} └── "), indent] commands << [elements[-1], "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a KeywordHashNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1482 def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("KeywordRestParameterNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("repeated_parameter" if node.repeated_parameter?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (name = commands << ["├── name: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── name: #{name.inspect}\n", indent] end commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a KeywordRestParameterNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1496 def visit_lambda_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("LambdaNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── locals: #{node.locals.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] if (parameters = node.parameters).nil? commands << ["├── parameters: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── parameters:\n", indent] commands << [parameters, "#{indent}│ "] end if (body = node.body).nil? commands << ["└── body: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── body:\n", indent] commands << [body, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a LambdaNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1519 def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("LocalVariableAndWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["└── depth: #{node.depth.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a LocalVariableAndWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1532 def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── binary_operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.binary_operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── binary_operator: #{node.binary_operator.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["└── depth: #{node.depth.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1546 def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("LocalVariableOrWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["└── depth: #{node.depth.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a LocalVariableOrWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1559 def visit_local_variable_read_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("LocalVariableReadNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["└── depth: #{node.depth.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a LocalVariableReadNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1568 def visit_local_variable_target_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("LocalVariableTargetNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["└── depth: #{node.depth.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a LocalVariableTargetNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1577 def visit_local_variable_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("LocalVariableWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── depth: #{node.depth.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a LocalVariableWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1590 def visit_match_last_line_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("MatchLastLineNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("ignore_case" if node.ignore_case?), ("extended" if node.extended?), ("multi_line" if node.multi_line?), ("once" if node.once?), ("euc_jp" if node.euc_jp?), ("ascii_8bit" if node.ascii_8bit?), ("windows_31j" if node.windows_31j?), ("utf_8" if node.utf_8?), ("forced_utf8_encoding" if node.forced_utf8_encoding?), ("forced_binary_encoding" if node.forced_binary_encoding?), ("forced_us_ascii_encoding" if node.forced_us_ascii_encoding?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── content_loc: #{inspect_location(node.content_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── unescaped: #{node.unescaped.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a MatchLastLineNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1601 def visit_match_predicate_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("MatchPredicateNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── pattern:\n", indent] commands << [node.pattern, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a MatchPredicateNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1613 def visit_match_required_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("MatchRequiredNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── pattern:\n", indent] commands << [node.pattern, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a MatchRequiredNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1625 def visit_match_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("MatchWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── call:\n", indent] commands << [, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── targets: (length: #{(targets = node.targets).length})\n", indent] if targets.any? targets[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent} ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent} │ "] end commands << ["#{indent} └── "), indent] commands << [targets[-1], "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a MatchWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1643 def visit_missing_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("MissingNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a MissingNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1650 def visit_module_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ModuleNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── locals: #{node.locals.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── module_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.module_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── constant_path:\n", indent] commands << [node.constant_path, "#{indent}│ "] if (body = node.body).nil? commands << ["├── body: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── body:\n", indent] commands << [body, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ModuleNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1669 def visit_multi_target_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("MultiTargetNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── lefts: (length: #{(lefts = node.lefts).length})\n", indent] if lefts.any? lefts[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [lefts[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end if (rest = commands << ["├── rest: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── rest:\n", indent] commands << [rest, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── rights: (length: #{(rights = node.rights).length})\n", indent] if rights.any? rights[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [rights[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── lparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.lparen_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── rparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.rparen_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a MultiTargetNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1702 def visit_multi_write_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("MultiWriteNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── lefts: (length: #{(lefts = node.lefts).length})\n", indent] if lefts.any? lefts[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [lefts[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end if (rest = commands << ["├── rest: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── rest:\n", indent] commands << [rest, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── rights: (length: #{(rights = node.rights).length})\n", indent] if rights.any? rights[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [rights[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── lparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.lparen_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── rparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.rparen_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a MultiWriteNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1738 def visit_next_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("NextNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["├── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a NextNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1752 def visit_nil_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("NilNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a NilNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1759 def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("NoKeywordsParameterNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a NoKeywordsParameterNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1768 def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("NumberedParametersNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── maximum: #{node.maximum.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a NumberedParametersNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1776 def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("NumberedReferenceReadNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── number: #{node.number.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a NumberedReferenceReadNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1784 def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("OptionalKeywordParameterNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("repeated_parameter" if node.repeated_parameter?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a OptionalKeywordParameterNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1795 def visit_optional_parameter_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("OptionalParameterNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("repeated_parameter" if node.repeated_parameter?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── value:\n", indent] commands << [node.value, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a OptionalParameterNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1807 def visit_or_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("OrNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── left:\n", indent] commands << [node.left, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── right:\n", indent] commands << [node.right, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a OrNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1819 def visit_parameters_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ParametersNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── requireds: (length: #{(requireds = node.requireds).length})\n", indent] if requireds.any? requireds[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [requireds[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── optionals: (length: #{(optionals = node.optionals).length})\n", indent] if optionals.any? optionals[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [optionals[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end if (rest = commands << ["├── rest: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── rest:\n", indent] commands << [rest, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── posts: (length: #{(posts = node.posts).length})\n", indent] if posts.any? posts[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [posts[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── keywords: (length: #{(keywords = node.keywords).length})\n", indent] if keywords.any? keywords[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [keywords[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end if (keyword_rest = node.keyword_rest).nil? commands << ["├── keyword_rest: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── keyword_rest:\n", indent] commands << [keyword_rest, "#{indent}│ "] end if (block = node.block).nil? commands << ["└── block: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── block:\n", indent] commands << [block, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a ParametersNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1880 def visit_parentheses_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ParenthesesNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("multiple_statements" if node.multiple_statements?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (body = node.body).nil? commands << ["├── body: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── body:\n", indent] commands << [body, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a ParenthesesNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1895 def visit_pinned_expression_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("PinnedExpressionNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── expression:\n", indent] commands << [node.expression, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── lparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.lparen_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── rparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.rparen_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a PinnedExpressionNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1907 def visit_pinned_variable_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("PinnedVariableNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── variable:\n", indent] commands << [node.variable, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a PinnedVariableNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1917 def visit_post_execution_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("PostExecutionNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a PostExecutionNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1933 def visit_pre_execution_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("PreExecutionNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a PreExecutionNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1949 def visit_program_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ProgramNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── locals: #{node.locals.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["└── statements:\n", indent] commands << [node.statements, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a ProgramNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1959 def visit_range_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RangeNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("exclude_end" if node.exclude_end?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (left = node.left).nil? commands << ["├── left: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── left:\n", indent] commands << [left, "#{indent}│ "] end if (right = node.right).nil? commands << ["├── right: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── right:\n", indent] commands << [right, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a RangeNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1979 def visit_rational_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RationalNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("binary" if node.binary?), ("decimal" if node.decimal?), ("octal" if node.octal?), ("hexadecimal" if node.hexadecimal?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── numerator: #{node.numerator.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["└── denominator: #{node.denominator.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a RationalNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1988 def visit_redo_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RedoNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a RedoNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 1995 def visit_regular_expression_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RegularExpressionNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("ignore_case" if node.ignore_case?), ("extended" if node.extended?), ("multi_line" if node.multi_line?), ("once" if node.once?), ("euc_jp" if node.euc_jp?), ("ascii_8bit" if node.ascii_8bit?), ("windows_31j" if node.windows_31j?), ("utf_8" if node.utf_8?), ("forced_utf8_encoding" if node.forced_utf8_encoding?), ("forced_binary_encoding" if node.forced_binary_encoding?), ("forced_us_ascii_encoding" if node.forced_us_ascii_encoding?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── content_loc: #{inspect_location(node.content_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── unescaped: #{node.unescaped.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a RegularExpressionNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2006 def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RequiredKeywordParameterNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("repeated_parameter" if node.repeated_parameter?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── name: #{}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a RequiredKeywordParameterNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2015 def visit_required_parameter_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RequiredParameterNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("repeated_parameter" if node.repeated_parameter?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── name: #{}\n", indent] end
Inspect a RequiredParameterNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2023 def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RescueModifierNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── expression:\n", indent] commands << [node.expression, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── rescue_expression:\n", indent] commands << [node.rescue_expression, "#{indent} "] end
Inspect a RescueModifierNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2035 def visit_rescue_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RescueNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── exceptions: (length: #{(exceptions = node.exceptions).length})\n", indent] if exceptions.any? exceptions[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [exceptions[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] if (reference = node.reference).nil? commands << ["├── reference: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── reference:\n", indent] commands << [reference, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── then_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.then_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end if (subsequent = node.subsequent).nil? commands << ["└── subsequent: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── subsequent:\n", indent] commands << [subsequent, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a RescueNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2072 def visit_rest_parameter_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RestParameterNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("repeated_parameter" if node.repeated_parameter?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] if (name = commands << ["├── name: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── name: #{name.inspect}\n", indent] end commands << ["├── name_loc: #{inspect_location(node.name_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a RestParameterNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2086 def visit_retry_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("RetryNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a RetryNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2093 def visit_return_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("ReturnNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["└── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a ReturnNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2107 def visit_self_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("SelfNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a SelfNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2123 def visit_singleton_class_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("SingletonClassNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── locals: #{node.locals.inspect}\n", indent] commands << ["├── class_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.class_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── expression:\n", indent] commands << [node.expression, "#{indent}│ "] if (body = node.body).nil? commands << ["├── body: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── body:\n", indent] commands << [body, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a SingletonClassNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2142 def visit_source_encoding_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("SourceEncodingNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a SourceEncodingNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2149 def visit_source_file_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("SourceFileNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("forced_utf8_encoding" if node.forced_utf8_encoding?), ("forced_binary_encoding" if node.forced_binary_encoding?), ("frozen" if node.frozen?), ("mutable" if node.mutable?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── filepath: #{node.filepath.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a SourceFileNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2157 def visit_source_line_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("SourceLineNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a SourceLineNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2164 def visit_splat_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("SplatNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── operator_loc: #{inspect_location(node.operator_loc)}\n", indent] if (expression = node.expression).nil? commands << ["└── expression: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── expression:\n", indent] commands << [expression, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a SplatNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2178 def visit_statements_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("StatementsNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["└── body: (length: #{(body = node.body).length})\n", indent] if body.any? body[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent} ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent} │ "] end commands << ["#{indent} └── "), indent] commands << [body[-1], "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a StatementsNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2194 def visit_string_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("StringNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("forced_utf8_encoding" if node.forced_utf8_encoding?), ("forced_binary_encoding" if node.forced_binary_encoding?), ("frozen" if node.frozen?), ("mutable" if node.mutable?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── content_loc: #{inspect_location(node.content_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── unescaped: #{node.unescaped.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a StringNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2205 def visit_super_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("SuperNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── lparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.lparen_loc)}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["├── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── rparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.rparen_loc)}\n", indent] if (block = node.block).nil? commands << ["└── block: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── block:\n", indent] commands << [block, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a SuperNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2227 def visit_symbol_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("SymbolNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("forced_utf8_encoding" if node.forced_utf8_encoding?), ("forced_binary_encoding" if node.forced_binary_encoding?), ("forced_us_ascii_encoding" if node.forced_us_ascii_encoding?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── value_loc: #{inspect_location(node.value_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── unescaped: #{node.unescaped.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a SymbolNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2238 def visit_true_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("TrueNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] end
Inspect a TrueNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2245 def visit_undef_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("UndefNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── names: (length: #{(names = node.names).length})\n", indent] if names.any? names[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [names[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a UndefNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2262 def visit_unless_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("UnlessNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── predicate:\n", indent] commands << [node.predicate, "#{indent}│ "] commands << ["├── then_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.then_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["├── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent}│ "] end if (else_clause = node.else_clause).nil? commands << ["├── else_clause: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── else_clause:\n", indent] commands << [else_clause, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── end_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.end_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a UnlessNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2286 def visit_until_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("UntilNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("begin_modifier" if node.begin_modifier?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── do_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.do_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── predicate:\n", indent] commands << [node.predicate, "#{indent}│ "] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["└── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a UntilNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2304 def visit_when_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("WhenNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── conditions: (length: #{(conditions = node.conditions).length})\n", indent] if conditions.any? conditions[0...-1].each do |child| commands << ["#{indent}│ ├── "), indent] commands << [child, "#{indent}│ │ "] end commands << ["#{indent}│ └── "), indent] commands << [conditions[-1], "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["├── then_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.then_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["└── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a WhenNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2328 def visit_while_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("WhileNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("begin_modifier" if node.begin_modifier?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── do_keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.do_keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── predicate:\n", indent] commands << [node.predicate, "#{indent}│ "] if (statements = node.statements).nil? commands << ["└── statements: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["└── statements:\n", indent] commands << [statements, "#{indent} "] end end
Inspect a WhileNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2346 def visit_x_string_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("XStringNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ("forced_utf8_encoding" if node.forced_utf8_encoding?), ("forced_binary_encoding" if node.forced_binary_encoding?)].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── opening_loc: #{inspect_location(node.opening_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── content_loc: #{inspect_location(node.content_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── closing_loc: #{inspect_location(node.closing_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["└── unescaped: #{node.unescaped.inspect}\n", indent] end
Inspect a XStringNode
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2357 def visit_yield_node(node) commands << [inspect_node("YieldNode", node), indent] flags = [("newline" if node.newline?), ("static_literal" if node.static_literal?), ].compact commands << ["├── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n", indent] commands << ["├── keyword_loc: #{inspect_location(node.keyword_loc)}\n", indent] commands << ["├── lparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.lparen_loc)}\n", indent] if (arguments = node.arguments).nil? commands << ["├── arguments: ∅\n", indent] else commands << ["├── arguments:\n", indent] commands << [arguments, "#{indent}│ "] end commands << ["└── rparen_loc: #{inspect_location(node.rparen_loc)}\n", indent] end
Inspect a YieldNode
Private Instance Methods
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2381 def inspect_location(location) if location "(#{location.start_line},#{location.start_column})-(#{location.end_line},#{location.end_column}) = #{location.slice.inspect}" else "∅" end end
Compose a string representing the given inner location field.
# File lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb, line 2375 def inspect_node(name, node) location = node.location "@ #{name} (location: (#{location.start_line},#{location.start_column})-(#{location.end_line},#{location.end_column}))\n" end
Compose a header for the given node.