module Prism

The Prism Ruby parser.

“Parsing Ruby is suddenly manageable!”

- You, hopefully

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/compiler.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/dispatcher.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/dsl.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/node.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

Here we are reopening the prism module to provide methods on nodes that aren’t templated and are meant as convenience methods.

typed: ignore

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/reflection.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template

typed: ignore

This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/visitor.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template