class ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap

An ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap is a key-value map that holds weak references to its keys, so they can be garbage collected when there is no more references.

Unlike ObjectSpace::WeakMap:

(Note that GC.start is used here only for demonstrational purposes and might not always lead to demonstrated results.)

The collection is especially useful for implementing caches of lightweight value objects, so that only one copy of each value representation would be stored in memory, but the copies that aren’t used would be garbage-collected.

CACHE = ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap

def make_value(**)
   val =**)
   if (existing = @cache.getkey(val))
      # if the object with this value exists, we return it
      # otherwise, put it in the cache
      @cache[val] = true

This will result in make_value returning the same object for same set of attributes always, but the values that aren’t needed anymore wouldn’t be sitting in the cache forever.