module Gem
RubyGems is the Ruby standard for publishing and managing third party libraries.
For user documentation, see:
gem help
andgem help [command]
For gem developer documentation see:
for version dependency notes
Further RubyGems documentation can be found at:
RubyGems API (also available from
gem server
RubyGems Plugins¶ ↑
RubyGems will load plugins in the latest version of each installed gem or $LOAD_PATH. Plugins must be named ‘rubygems_plugin’ (.rb, .so, etc) and placed at the root of your gem’s require_path. Plugins are installed at a special location and loaded on boot.
For an example plugin, see the Graph gem which adds a gem graph
RubyGems Defaults, Packaging¶ ↑
RubyGems defaults are stored in lib/rubygems/defaults.rb. If you’re packaging RubyGems or implementing Ruby you can change RubyGems’ defaults.
For RubyGems packagers, provide lib/rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb and override any defaults from lib/rubygems/defaults.rb.
For Ruby implementers, provide lib/rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb and override any defaults from lib/rubygems/defaults.rb.
If you need RubyGems to perform extra work on install or uninstall, your defaults override file can set pre/post install and uninstall hooks. See Gem::pre_install
, Gem::pre_uninstall
, Gem::post_install
, Gem::post_uninstall
Bugs¶ ↑
You can submit bugs to the RubyGems bug tracker on GitHub
Credits¶ ↑
RubyGems is currently maintained by Eric Hodel.
RubyGems was originally developed at RubyConf 2003 by:
Rich Kilmer – rich(at)
Chad Fowler – chad(at)
David Black – dblack(at)
Paul Brannan – paul(at)
Jim Weirich – jim(at)
Gavin Sinclair – gsinclair(at)
George Marrows – george.marrows(at)
Dick Davies – rasputnik(at)
Mauricio Fernandez – batsman.geo(at)
Simon Strandgaard – neoneye(at)
Dave Glasser – glasser(at)
Paul Duncan – pabs(at)
Ville Aine – vaine(at)
Eric Hodel – drbrain(at)
Daniel Berger – djberg96(at)
Phil Hagelberg – technomancy(at)
Ryan Davis – ryand-ruby(at)
Evan Phoenix – evan(at)
Steve Klabnik – steve(at)
(If your name is missing, PLEASE let us know!)
License¶ ↑
See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
-The RubyGems Team
Provides 3 methods for declaring when something is going away.
+deprecate(name, repl, year, month)+:
Indicate something may be removed on/after a certain date.
+rubygems_deprecate(name, replacement=:none)+:
Indicate something will be removed in the next major RubyGems version, and (optionally) a replacement for it.
Indicate a RubyGems command (in +lib/rubygems/commands/*.rb+) will be removed in the next RubyGems version.
Also provides skip_during
for temporarily turning off deprecation warnings. This is intended to be used in the test suite, so deprecation warnings don’t cause test failures if you need to make sure stderr is otherwise empty.
Example usage of deprecate
and rubygems_deprecate
class Legacy def self.some_class_method # ... end def some_instance_method # ... end def some_old_method # ... end extend Gem::Deprecate deprecate :some_instance_method, "X.z", 2011, 4 rubygems_deprecate :some_old_method, "Modern#some_new_method" class << self extend Gem::Deprecate deprecate :some_class_method, :none, 2011, 4 end end
Example usage of rubygems_deprecate_command
class Gem::Commands::QueryCommand < Gem::Command extend Gem::Deprecate rubygems_deprecate_command # ... end
Example usage of skip_during
class TestSomething < Gem::Testcase def test_some_thing_with_deprecations Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do actual_stdout, actual_stderr = capture_output do Gem.something_deprecated end assert_empty actual_stdout assert_equal(expected, actual_stderr) end end end
Location of
quick gemspecs on remote repositories - RDoc
Subdirectories in a gem repository for default gems
Subdirectories in a gem repository
of Regexps that match windows Ruby platforms.
RubyGems distributors (like operating system package managers) can disable RubyGems update by setting this to error message printed to end-users on gem update –system instead of actual update.
Whether RubyGems should enhance builtin ‘require` to automatically check whether the path required is present in installed gems, and automatically activate them and add them to `$LOAD_PATH`.
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::DependencyInstaller
installs a set of gems
GemDependencyAPI object, which is set when .use_gemdeps is called. This contains all the information from the Gemfile.
of loaded Gem::Specification
keyed by name
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Installer#install
extracts files and builds extensions
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Installer#install
completes installation
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Specification.reset
is run.
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall
completes installation
The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Installer#install
does any work
The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Specification.reset
is run.
The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall
does any work
Public Class Methods
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 592 def self.activated_gem_paths @activated_gem_paths ||= 0 end
The number of paths in the +$LOAD_PATH+ from activated gems. Used to prioritize -I
entries during require
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 599 def self.add_to_load_path(*paths) @activated_gem_paths = activated_gem_paths + paths.size # gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB'] $LOAD_PATH.insert(Gem.load_path_insert_index, *paths) end
Add a list of paths to the $LOAD_PATH at the proper place.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 238 def self.bin_path(name, exec_name = nil, *requirements) requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty? find_spec_for_exe(name, exec_name, requirements).bin_file exec_name end
the full path to the executable for gem name
. If the exec_name
is not given, an exception will be raised, otherwise the specified executable’s path is returned. requirements
allows you to specify specific gem versions.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 292 def self.binary_mode "rb" end
The mode needed to read a file as straight binary.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 299 def self.bindir(install_dir=Gem.dir) return File.join install_dir, "bin" unless install_dir.to_s == Gem.default_dir.to_s Gem.default_bindir end
The path where gem executables are to be installed.
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 147 def self.cache_home @cache_home ||= ENV["XDG_CACHE_HOME"] || File.join(Gem.user_home, ".cache") end
The path to standard location of the user’s cache directory.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1277 def clear_default_specs @path_to_default_spec_map.clear end
Clear default gem related variables. It is for test
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 317 def self.clear_paths @paths = nil @user_home = nil Gem::Specification.reset Gem::Security.reset if defined?(Gem::Security) end
Reset the dir
and path
values. The next time dir
or path
is requested, the values will be calculated from scratch. This is mainly used by the unit tests to provide test isolation.
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 133 def self.config_file @config_file ||= find_config_file end
The path to standard location of the user’s .gemrc file.
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 114 def self.config_home @config_home ||= ENV["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] || File.join(Gem.user_home, ".config") end
The path to standard location of the user’s configuration directory.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 327 def self.configuration @configuration ||= [] end
The standard configuration object for gems.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 335 def self.configuration=(config) @configuration = config end
Use the given configuration object (which implements the ConfigFile
protocol) as the standard configuration object.
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 154 def self.data_home @data_home ||= ENV["XDG_DATA_HOME"] || File.join(Gem.user_home, ".local", "share") end
The path to standard location of the user’s data directory.
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 204 def self.default_bindir RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"] end
The default directory for binaries
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 228 def self.default_cert_path default_cert_path = File.join Gem.user_home, ".gem", "gem-public_cert.pem" unless File.exist?(default_cert_path) default_cert_path = File.join Gem.data_home, "gem", "gem-public_cert.pem" end default_cert_path end
The default signing certificate chain path
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 37 def self.default_dir @default_dir ||= File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG["rubylibprefix"], "gems", RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"]) end
Default home directory path to be used if an alternate value is not specified in the environment
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 186 def self.default_exec_format exec_format = begin RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_install_name"].sub("ruby", "%s") rescue StandardError "%s" end unless exec_format.include?("%s") raise Gem::Exception, "[BUG] invalid exec_format #{exec_format.inspect}, no %s" end exec_format end
Deduce Ruby’s –program-prefix and –program-suffix from its install name
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 48 def self.default_ext_dir_for(base_dir) nil end
Returns binary extensions dir for specified RubyGems base dir or nil if such directory cannot be determined.
By default, the binary extensions are located side by side with their Ruby counterparts, therefore nil is returned
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 215 def self.default_key_path default_key_path = File.join Gem.user_home, ".gem", "gem-private_key.pem" unless File.exist?(default_key_path) default_key_path = File.join Gem.data_home, "gem", "gem-private_key.pem" end default_key_path end
The default signing key path
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 175 def self.default_path path = [] path << user_dir if user_home && File.exist?(user_home) path << default_dir path << vendor_dir if vendor_dir && path end
Default gem load path
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 55 def self.default_rubygems_dirs nil # default to standard layout end
Paths where RubyGems’ .rb files and bin files are installed
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 15 def self.default_sources %w[] end
An Array
of the default sources that come with RubyGems
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 23 def self.default_spec_cache_dir default_spec_cache_dir = File.join Gem.user_home, ".gem", "specs" unless File.exist?(default_spec_cache_dir) default_spec_cache_dir = File.join Gem.cache_home, "gem", "specs" end default_spec_cache_dir end
Default spec directory path to be used if an alternate value is not specified in the environment
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 62 def self.default_specifications_dir @default_specifications_dir ||= File.join(Gem.default_dir, "specifications", "default") end
Path to specification files of default gems.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 342 def self.deflate(data) require "zlib" Zlib::Deflate.deflate data end
A Zlib::Deflate.deflate
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 390 def self.dir paths.home end
The path where gems are to be installed.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 703 def self.done_installing(&hook) @done_installing_hooks << hook end
Adds a post-installs hook that will be passed a Gem::DependencyInstaller
and a list of installed specifications when Gem::DependencyInstaller#install
is complete
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 984 def self.dynamic_library_suffixes @dynamic_library_suffixes ||= suffixes - [".rb"] end
Suffixes for dynamic library require-able paths.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 441 def self.ensure_default_gem_subdirectories(dir = Gem.dir, mode = nil) ensure_subdirectories(dir, mode, REPOSITORY_DEFAULT_GEM_SUBDIRECTORIES) end
Quietly ensure the Gem
directory dir
contains all the proper subdirectories for handling default gems. If we can’t create a directory due to a permission problem, then we will silently continue.
If mode
is given, missing directories are created with this mode.
World-writable directories will never be created.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 428 def self.ensure_gem_subdirectories(dir = Gem.dir, mode = nil) ensure_subdirectories(dir, mode, REPOSITORY_SUBDIRECTORIES) end
Quietly ensure the Gem
directory dir
contains all the proper subdirectories. If we can’t create a directory due to a permission problem, then we will silently continue.
If mode
is given, missing directories are created with this mode.
World-writable directories will never be created.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 852 def self.env_requirement(gem_name) @env_requirements_by_name ||= {} @env_requirements_by_name[gem_name] ||= begin req = ENV["GEM_REQUIREMENT_#{gem_name.upcase}"] || ">= 0" Gem::Requirement.create(req) end end
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 121 def self.find_config_file gemrc = File.join Gem.user_home, ".gemrc" if File.exist? gemrc gemrc else File.join Gem.config_home, "gem", "gemrc" end end
Finds the user’s config file
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1262 def find_default_spec(path) @path_to_default_spec_map[path] end
a Gem::Specification
of default gem from path
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 492 def self.find_files(glob, check_load_path=true) files = [] files = find_files_from_load_path glob if check_load_path gem_specifications = @gemdeps ? Gem.loaded_specs.values : Gem::Specification.stubs files.concat gem_specifications.flat_map {|spec| spec.matches_for_glob("#{glob}#{Gem.suffix_pattern}") } # $LOAD_PATH might contain duplicate entries or reference # the spec dirs directly, so we prune. files.uniq! if check_load_path files end
Returns a list of paths matching glob
that can be used by a gem to pick up features from other gems. For example:
Gem.find_files('rdoc/discover').each do |path| load path end
if check_load_path
is true (the default), then find_files
also searches $LOAD_PATH for files as well as gems.
Note that find_files
will return all files even if they are from different versions of the same gem. See also find_latest_files
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 529 def self.find_latest_files(glob, check_load_path=true) files = [] files = find_files_from_load_path glob if check_load_path files.concat Gem::Specification.latest_specs(true).flat_map {|spec| spec.matches_for_glob("#{glob}#{Gem.suffix_pattern}") } # $LOAD_PATH might contain duplicate entries or reference # the spec dirs directly, so we prune. files.uniq! if check_load_path files end
Returns a list of paths matching glob
from the latest gems that can be used by a gem to pick up features from other gems. For example:
Gem.find_latest_files('rdoc/discover').each do |path| load path end
if check_load_path
is true (the default), then find_latest_files
also searches $LOAD_PATH for files as well as gems.
Unlike find_files
, find_latest_files
will return only files from the latest version of a gem.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1269 def find_unresolved_default_spec(path) default_spec = @path_to_default_spec_map[path] default_spec if default_spec && loaded_specs[] != default_spec end
an unresolved Gem::Specification
of default gem from path
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 223 def self.finish_resolve( request_set.import Gem::Specification.unresolved_deps.values request_set.import {|s|, s.version) } request_set.resolve_current.each do |s| s.full_spec.activate end end
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1054 def self.freebsd_platform? RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"].to_s.include?("bsd") end
Is this platform FreeBSD
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 564 def @host ||= Gem::DEFAULT_HOST end
Get the default RubyGems API host. This is normally
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 570 def @host = host end
Set the default RubyGems API host.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 553 def self.install(name, version = Gem::Requirement.default, *options) require_relative "rubygems/dependency_installer" inst =*options) inst.install name, version inst.installed_gems end
Top level install helper method. Allows you to install gems interactively:
% irb >> Gem.install "minitest" Fetching: minitest-5.14.0.gem (100%) => [#<Gem::Specification:0x1013b4528 @name="minitest", ...>]
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1040 def self.java_platform? RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" end
Is this a java platform?
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 877 def self.latest_rubygems_version latest_version_for("rubygems-update") || raise("Can't find 'rubygems-update' in any repo. Check `gem source list`.") end
Returns the latest release version of RubyGems.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 864 def self.latest_spec_for(name) dependency = name fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher spec_tuples, = fetcher.spec_for_dependency dependency spec, = spec_tuples.last spec end
Returns the latest release-version specification for the gem name
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 885 def self.latest_version_for(name) latest_spec_for(name)&.version end
Returns the version of the latest release-version of gem name
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1089 def self.load_env_plugins load_plugin_files find_files_from_load_path("rubygems_plugin") end
all ‘rubygems_plugin’ files in $LOAD_PATH and load them
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 578 def self.load_path_insert_index $LOAD_PATH.each_with_index do |path, i| return i if path.instance_variable_defined?(:@gem_prelude_index) end index = $LOAD_PATH.index RbConfig::CONFIG["sitelibdir"] index || 0 end
The index to insert activated gem paths into the $LOAD_PATH. The activated gem’s paths are inserted before site lib directory by default.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1080 def self.load_plugins Gem.path.each do |gem_path| load_plugin_files Gem::Util.glob_files_in_dir("*#{Gem.plugin_suffix_pattern}", plugindir(gem_path)) end end
rubygems plugin files in the standard location and load them
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 624 def self.load_safe_marshal return if @safe_marshal_loaded require_relative "rubygems/safe_marshal" @safe_marshal_loaded = true end
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 646 def self.location_of_caller(depth = 1) caller[depth] =~ /(.*?):(\d+).*?$/i file = $1 lineno = $2.to_i [file, lineno] end
The file name and line number of the caller of the caller of this method.
is how many layers up the call stack it should go.
def a; Gem.location_of_caller
; end a #=> [“x.rb”, 2] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)
def b; c; end def c; Gem.location_of_caller(2)
; end b #=> [“x.rb”, 6] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 657 def self.marshal_version "#{Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION}.#{Marshal::MINOR_VERSION}" end
The version of the Marshal
format for your Ruby.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 215 def self.needs rs = yield rs finish_resolve rs end
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 793 def self.open_file(path, flags, &block), flags, &block) end
Open a file with given flags
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 811 def self.open_file_with_flock(path, &block) # read-write mode is used rather than read-only in order to support NFS mode = IO::RDWR | IO::APPEND | IO::CREAT | IO::BINARY mode |= IO::SHARE_DELETE if IO.const_defined?(:SHARE_DELETE), mode) do |io| begin # Try to get a lock without blocking. # If we do, the file is locked. # Otherwise, explain why we're waiting and get a lock, but block this time. if io.flock(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB) != 0 warn "Waiting for another process to let go of lock: #{path}" io.flock(File::LOCK_EX) end io.puts( rescue Errno::ENOSYS, Errno::ENOTSUP end yield io end end
Open a file with given flags, and protect access with flock
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 800 def self.open_file_with_lock(path, &block) file_lock = "#{path}.lock" open_file_with_flock(file_lock, &block) ensure require "fileutils" FileUtils.rm_f file_lock end
Open a file with given flags, and protect access with a file lock
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 286 def self.operating_system_defaults {} end
Default options for gem commands for Ruby packagers.
The options here should be structured as an array of string “gem” command names as keys and a string of the default options as values.
def self.operating_system_defaults
{ 'install' => '--no-rdoc --no-ri --env-shebang', 'update' => '--no-rdoc --no-ri --env-shebang' }
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 350 def self.paths @paths ||= end
Retrieve the PathSupport
object that RubyGems uses to lookup files.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 360 def self.paths=(env) clear_paths target = {} env.each_pair do |k,v| case k when "GEM_HOME", "GEM_PATH", "GEM_SPEC_CACHE" case v when nil, String target[k] = v when Array unless Gem::Deprecate.skip warn <<-EOWARN Array values in the parameter to `Gem.paths=` are deprecated. Please use a String or nil. An Array (#{env.inspect}) was passed in from #{caller[3]} EOWARN end target[k] = v.join File::PATH_SEPARATOR end else target[k] = v end end @paths = ENV.to_hash.merge(target) Gem::Specification.dirs = @paths.path end
Initialize the filesystem paths to use from env
. env
is a hash-like object (typically ENV
) that is queried for ‘GEM_HOME’, ‘GEM_PATH’, and ‘GEM_SPEC_CACHE’ Keys for the env
hash should be Strings, and values of the hash should be Strings or nil
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 305 def self.platform_defaults {} end
Default options for gem commands for Ruby implementers.
The options here should be structured as an array of string “gem” command names as keys and a string of the default options as values.
def self.platform_defaults
{ 'install' => '--no-rdoc --no-ri --env-shebang', 'update' => '--no-rdoc --no-ri --env-shebang' }
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 671 def self.platforms @platforms ||= [] if @platforms.empty? @platforms = [Gem::Platform::RUBY, Gem::Platform.local] end @platforms end
of platforms this RubyGems supports.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 664 def self.platforms=(platforms) @platforms = platforms end
Set array of platforms this RubyGems supports (primarily for testing).
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 957 def self.plugin_suffix_pattern @plugin_suffix_pattern ||= "_plugin#{suffix_pattern}" end
Glob pattern for require-able plugin suffixes.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 964 def self.plugin_suffix_regexp @plugin_suffix_regexp ||= /_plugin#{suffix_regexp}\z/ end
for require-able plugin suffixes.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 308 def self.plugindir(install_dir=Gem.dir) File.join install_dir, "plugins" end
The path were rubygems plugins are to be installed.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 686 def self.post_build(&hook) @post_build_hooks << hook end
Adds a post-build hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer
instance when Gem::Installer#install
is called. The hook is called after the gem has been extracted and extensions have been built but before the executables or gemspec has been written. If the hook returns false
then the gem’s files will be removed and the install will be aborted.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 694 def self.post_install(&hook) @post_install_hooks << hook end
Adds a post-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer
instance when Gem::Installer#install
is called
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 711 def self.post_reset(&hook) @post_reset_hooks << hook end
Adds a hook that will get run after Gem::Specification.reset
is run.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 720 def self.post_uninstall(&hook) @post_uninstall_hooks << hook end
Adds a post-uninstall hook that will be passed a Gem::Uninstaller
instance and the spec that was uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall
is called
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 729 def self.pre_install(&hook) @pre_install_hooks << hook end
Adds a pre-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer
instance when Gem::Installer#install
is called. If the hook returns false
then the install will be aborted.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 737 def self.pre_reset(&hook) @pre_reset_hooks << hook end
Adds a hook that will get run before Gem::Specification.reset
is run.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 746 def self.pre_uninstall(&hook) @pre_uninstall_hooks << hook end
Adds a pre-uninstall hook that will be passed an Gem::Uninstaller
instance and the spec that will be uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall
is called
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 755 def self.prefix prefix = File.dirname RUBYGEMS_DIR if prefix != File.expand_path(RbConfig::CONFIG["sitelibdir"]) && prefix != File.expand_path(RbConfig::CONFIG["libdir"]) && File.basename(RUBYGEMS_DIR) == "lib" prefix end end
The directory prefix this RubyGems was installed at. If your prefix is in a standard location (ie, rubygems is installed where you’d expect it to be), then prefix returns nil.
# File lib/rubygems/rdoc.rb, line 13 def self.rdoc_hooks_defined_via_plugin? >="6.9.0") end
Returns whether RDoc defines its own install hooks through a RubyGems plugin. This and whatever is guarded by it can be removed once no supported Ruby ships with RDoc older than 6.9.0.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 775 def self.read_binary(path) File.binread(path) end
Safely read a file in binary mode on all platforms.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 768 def self.refresh Gem::Specification.reset end
Refresh available gems from disk.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1237 def register_default_spec(spec) extended_require_paths = {|f| f + "/" } new_format = extended_require_paths.any? {|path| spec.files.any? {|f| f.start_with? path } } if new_format prefix_group = extended_require_paths.join("|") prefix_pattern = /^(#{prefix_group})/ end spec.files.each do |file| if new_format file = file.sub(prefix_pattern, "") next unless $~ end spec.activate if already_loaded?(file) @path_to_default_spec_map[file] = spec @path_to_default_spec_map[file.sub(suffix_regexp, "")] = spec end end
Register a Gem::Specification
for default gem.
Two formats for the specification are supported:
MRI 2.0 style, where spec.files contains unprefixed require names. The spec’s filenames will be registered as-is.
New style, where spec.files contains files prefixed with paths from spec.require_paths. The prefixes are stripped before registering the spec’s filenames. Unprefixed files are omitted.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 835 def self.ruby if @ruby.nil? @ruby = RbConfig.ruby @ruby = "\"#{@ruby}\"" if /\s/.match?(@ruby) end @ruby end
The path to the running Ruby interpreter.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 848 def self.ruby_api_version @ruby_api_version ||= target_rbconfig["ruby_version"].dup end
Returns a String
containing the API compatibility version of Ruby
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 208 def self.ruby_engine RUBY_ENGINE end
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 892 def self.ruby_version return @ruby_version if defined? @ruby_version version = RUBY_VERSION.dup if RUBY_PATCHLEVEL == -1 if RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" desc = RUBY_DESCRIPTION[/\Aruby #{Regexp.quote(RUBY_VERSION)}([^ ]+) /, 1] else desc = RUBY_DESCRIPTION[/\A#{RUBY_ENGINE} #{Regexp.quote(RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION)} \(#{RUBY_VERSION}([^ ]+)\) /, 1] end version << ".#{desc}" if desc end @ruby_version = version end
A Gem::Version
for the currently running Ruby.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 911 def self.rubygems_version return @rubygems_version if defined? @rubygems_version @rubygems_version = Gem::VERSION end
A Gem::Version
for the currently running RubyGems
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 412 def self.set_target_rbconfig(rbconfig_path) @target_rbconfig = Gem::TargetRbConfig.from_path(rbconfig_path) Gem::Platform.local(refresh: true) Gem.platforms << Gem::Platform.local unless Gem.platforms.include? Gem::Platform.local @target_rbconfig end
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1047 def self.solaris_platform? RUBY_PLATFORM.include?("solaris") end
Is this platform Solaris?
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1192 def self.source_date_epoch end
Returns the value of Gem.source_date_epoch_string
, as a Time
This is used throughout RubyGems for enabling reproducible builds.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1173 def self.source_date_epoch_string # The value used if $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is not set. @default_source_date_epoch ||= specified_epoch = ENV["SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"] # If it's empty or just whitespace, treat it like it wasn't set at all. specified_epoch = nil if !specified_epoch.nil? && specified_epoch.strip.empty? epoch = specified_epoch || @default_source_date_epoch epoch.strip end
If the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable is set, returns it’s value. Otherwise, returns the time that Gem.source_date_epoch_string
was first called in the same format as SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.
NOTE(@duckinator): The implementation is a tad weird because we want to:
1. Make builds reproducible by default, by having this function always return the same result during a given run. 2. Allow changing ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] at runtime, since multiple tests that set this variable will be run in a single process.
If you simplify this function and a lot of tests fail, that is likely due to #2 above.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 920 def self.sources source_list = configuration.sources || default_sources @sources ||= Gem::SourceList.from(source_list) end
Returns an Array
of sources to fetch remote gems from. Uses default_sources
if the sources list is empty.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 932 def self.sources=(new_sources) if !new_sources @sources = nil else @sources = Gem::SourceList.from(new_sources) end end
Need to be able to set the sources without calling Gem.sources
.replace since that would cause an infinite loop.
DOC: This comment is not documentation about the method itself, it’s more of a code comment about the implementation.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 398 def self.spec_cache_dir paths.spec_cache_dir end
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 140 def self.state_file @state_file ||= File.join(Gem.state_home, "gem", "last_update_check") end
The path to standard location of the user’s state file.
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 161 def self.state_home @state_home ||= ENV["XDG_STATE_HOME"] || File.join(Gem.user_home, ".local", "state") end
The path to standard location of the user’s state directory.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 943 def self.suffix_pattern @suffix_pattern ||= "{#{suffixes.join(",")}}" end
Glob pattern for require-able path suffixes.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 950 def self.suffix_regexp @suffix_regexp ||= /#{Regexp.union(suffixes)}\z/ end
for require-able path suffixes.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 971 def self.suffixes @suffixes ||= ["", ".rb", *%w[DLEXT DLEXT2].map do |key| val = RbConfig::CONFIG[key] next unless val && !val.empty? ".#{val}" end].compact.uniq end
Suffixes for require-able paths.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 408 def self.target_rbconfig @target_rbconfig || Gem::TargetRbConfig.for_running_ruby end
The RbConfig
object for the deployment target platform.
This is usually the same as the running platform, but may be different if you are cross-compiling.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 992 def self.time(msg, width = 0, display = Gem.configuration.verbose) now = value = yield elapsed = - now ui.say format("%2$*1$s: %3$3.3fs", -width, msg, elapsed) if display value end
Prints the amount of time the supplied block takes to run using the debug UI output.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 190 def self.try_activate(path) # finds the _latest_ version... regardless of loaded specs and their deps # if another gem had a requirement that would mean we shouldn't # activate the latest version, then either it would already be activated # or if it was ambiguous (and thus unresolved) the code in our custom # require will try to activate the more specific version. spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_path path return false unless spec return true if spec.activated? begin spec.activate rescue Gem::LoadError => e # this could fail due to gem dep collisions, go lax spec_by_name = Gem::Specification.find_by_name( if spec_by_name.nil? raise e else spec_by_name.activate end end true end
Try to activate a gem containing path
. Returns true if activation succeeded or wasn’t needed because it was already activated. Returns false if it can’t find the path in a gem.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1007 def self.ui require_relative "rubygems/user_interaction" Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui end
Lazily loads DefaultUserInteraction
and returns the default UI.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1113 def self.use_gemdeps(path = nil) raise_exception = path path ||= ENV["RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS"] return unless path path = path.dup if path == "-" Gem::Util.traverse_parents Dir.pwd do |directory| dep_file = GEM_DEP_FILES.find {|f| File.file?(f) } next unless dep_file path = File.join directory, dep_file break end end unless File.file? path return unless raise_exception raise ArgumentError, "Unable to find gem dependencies file at #{path}" end ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] ||= File.expand_path(path) require_relative "rubygems/user_interaction" require "bundler" begin Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.use_ui(ui) do Bundler.ui.silence do @gemdeps = Bundler.setup end ensure Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui.close end rescue Bundler::BundlerError => e warn e.message warn "You may need to `bundle install` to install missing gems" warn "" end end
Looks for a gem dependency file at path
and activates the gems in the file if found. If the file is not found an ArgumentError
is raised.
If path
is not given the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS environment variable is used, but if no file is found no exception is raised.
If ‘-’ is given for path
RubyGems searches up from the current working directory for gem dependency files (gem.deps.rb, Gemfile, Isolate) and activates the gems in the first one found.
You can run this automatically when rubygems starts. To enable, set the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS
environment variable to either the path of your gem dependencies file or “-” to auto-discover in parent directories.
NOTE: Enabling automatic discovery on multiuser systems can lead to execution of arbitrary code when used from directories outside your control.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1017 def self.use_paths(home, *paths) paths.flatten! paths.compact! hash = { "GEM_HOME" => home, "GEM_PATH" => paths.empty? ? home : paths.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) } hash.delete_if {|_, v| v.nil? } self.paths = hash end
Use the home
and paths
values for Gem.dir
and Gem.path
. Used mainly by the unit tests to provide environment isolation.
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 103 def self.user_dir gem_dir = File.join(Gem.user_home, ".gem") gem_dir = File.join(Gem.data_home, "gem") unless File.exist?(gem_dir) parts = [gem_dir, ruby_engine] parts << RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"] unless RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"].empty? File.join parts end
Path for gems in the user’s home directory
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 96 def self.user_home @user_home ||= find_home end
The home directory for the user.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1028 def self.win_platform? if @@win_platform.nil? ruby_platform = RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] @@win_platform = !WIN_PATTERNS.find {|r| ruby_platform =~ r }.nil? end @@win_platform end
Is this a windows platform?
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 782 def self.write_binary(path, data) File.binwrite(path, data) rescue Errno::ENOSPC # If we ran out of space but the file exists, it's *guaranteed* to be corrupted. File.delete(path) if File.exist?(path) raise end
Safely write a file in binary mode on all platforms.
Private Class Methods
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1328 def already_loaded?(file) $LOADED_FEATURES.any? do |feature_path| feature_path.end_with?(file) && default_gem_load_paths.any? {|load_path_entry| feature_path == "#{load_path_entry}/#{file}" } end end
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 1334 def default_gem_load_paths @default_gem_load_paths ||= $LOAD_PATH[load_path_insert_index..-1].map do |lp| expanded = File.expand_path(lp) next expanded unless File.exist?(expanded) File.realpath(expanded) end end
# File lib/rubygems/defaults.rb, line 81 def self.find_home Dir.home.dup rescue StandardError if Gem.win_platform? File.expand_path File.join(ENV["HOMEDRIVE"] || ENV["SystemDrive"], "/") else File.expand_path "/" end end
Finds the user’s home directory.
# File lib/rubygems.rb, line 245 def self.find_spec_for_exe(name, exec_name, requirements) raise ArgumentError, "you must supply exec_name" unless exec_name dep = name, requirements loaded = Gem.loaded_specs[name] return loaded if loaded && dep.matches_spec?(loaded) specs = dep.matching_specs(true) specs = specs.find_all do |spec| spec.executables.include? exec_name end if exec_name unless spec = specs.first msg = "can't find gem #{dep} with executable #{exec_name}" raise Gem::GemNotFoundException, msg end spec end