class Enumerator

A class which allows both internal and external iteration.

An Enumerator can be created by the following methods.

Most methods have two forms: a block form where the contents are evaluated for each item in the enumeration, and a non-block form which returns a new Enumerator wrapping the iteration.

enumerator = %w(one two three).each
puts enumerator.class # => Enumerator

enumerator.each_with_object("foo") do |item, obj|
  puts "#{obj}: #{item}"

# foo: one
# foo: two
# foo: three

enum_with_obj = enumerator.each_with_object("foo")
puts enum_with_obj.class # => Enumerator

enum_with_obj.each do |item, obj|
  puts "#{obj}: #{item}"

# foo: one
# foo: two
# foo: three

This allows you to chain Enumerators together. For example, you can map a list’s elements to strings containing the index and the element as a string via:

puts %w[foo bar baz].map.with_index { |w, i| "#{i}:#{w}" }
# => ["0:foo", "1:bar", "2:baz"]

External Iteration

An Enumerator can also be used as an external iterator. For example, Enumerator#next returns the next value of the iterator or raises StopIteration if the Enumerator is at the end.

e = [1,2,3].each   # returns an enumerator object.
puts   # => 1
puts   # => 2
puts   # => 3
puts   # raises StopIteration

next, next_values, peek, and peek_values are the only methods which use external iteration (and Array#zip(Enumerable-not-Array) which uses next internally).

These methods do not affect other internal enumeration methods, unless the underlying iteration method itself has side-effect, e.g. IO#each_line.

FrozenError will be raised if these methods are called against a frozen enumerator. Since rewind and feed also change state for external iteration, these methods may raise FrozenError too.

External iteration differs significantly from internal iteration due to using a Fiber:


Thread.current[:fiber_local] = 1
Fiber[:storage_var] = 1
e = do |y|
  p Thread.current[:fiber_local] # for external iteration: nil, for internal iteration: 1
  p Fiber[:storage_var] # => 1, inherited
  Fiber[:storage_var] += 1
  y << 42

p # => 42
p Fiber[:storage_var] # => 1 (it ran in a different Fiber)

e.each { p _1 }
p Fiber[:storage_var] # => 2 (it ran in the same Fiber/"stack" as the current Fiber)

Convert External Iteration to Internal Iteration

You can use an external iterator to implement an internal iterator as follows:

def ext_each(e)
  while true
      vs = e.next_values
    rescue StopIteration
      return $!.result
    y = yield(*vs)
    e.feed y

o =

def o.each
  puts yield
  puts yield(1)
  puts yield(1, 2)

# use o.each as an internal iterator directly.
puts o.each {|*x| puts x; [:b, *x] }
# => [], [:b], [1], [:b, 1], [1, 2], [:b, 1, 2], 3

# convert o.each to an external iterator for
# implementing an internal iterator.
puts ext_each(o.to_enum) {|*x| puts x; [:b, *x] }
# => [], [:b], [1], [:b, 1], [1, 2], [:b, 1, 2], 3