class ENV

ENV is a hash-like accessor for environment variables.

Interaction with the Operating System

The ENV object interacts with the operating system’s environment variables:

Names and Values

Generally, a name or value is a String.

Valid Names and Values

Each name or value must be one of the following:

Invalid Names and Values

A new name:

A new name or value:

About Ordering

ENV enumerates its name/value pairs in the order found in the operating system’s environment variables. Therefore the ordering of ENV content is OS-dependent, and may be indeterminate.

This will be seen in:

About the Examples

Some methods in ENV return ENV itself. Typically, there are many environment variables. It’s not useful to display a large ENV in the examples here, so most example snippets begin by resetting the contents of ENV:

What’s Here

First, what’s elsewhere. Class ENV:

Here, class ENV provides methods that are useful for:

Methods for Querying

Methods for Assigning

Methods for Deleting

Methods for Iterating

Methods for Converting

More Methods

Public Class Methods

ENV[name] → value click to toggle source

Returns the value for the environment variable name if it exists:

ENV['foo'] = '0'
ENV['foo'] # => "0"

Returns nil if the named variable does not exist.

Raises an exception if name is invalid. See Invalid Names and Values.

static VALUE
rb_f_getenv(VALUE obj, VALUE name)
    const char *nam = env_name(name);
    VALUE env = getenv_with_lock(nam);
    return env;
ENV[name] = value → value click to toggle source
store(name, value) → value

Creates, updates, or deletes the named environment variable, returning the value. Both name and value may be instances of String. See Valid Names and Values.

  • If the named environment variable does not exist:

    • If value is nil, does nothing.

      ENV['foo'] = nil # => nil
      ENV.include?('foo') # => false'bar', nil) # => nil
      ENV.include?('bar') # => false
    • If value is not nil, creates the environment variable with name and value:

      # Create 'foo' using ENV.[]=.
      ENV['foo'] = '0' # => '0'
      ENV['foo'] # => '0'
      # Create 'bar' using'bar', '1') # => '1'
      ENV['bar'] # => '1'
  • If the named environment variable exists:

    • If value is not nil, updates the environment variable with value value:

      # Update 'foo' using ENV.[]=.
      ENV['foo'] = '2' # => '2'
      ENV['foo'] # => '2'
      # Update 'bar' using'bar', '3') # => '3'
      ENV['bar'] # => '3'
    • If value is nil, deletes the environment variable:

      # Delete 'foo' using ENV.[]=.
      ENV['foo'] = nil # => nil
      ENV.include?('foo') # => false
      # Delete 'bar' using'bar', nil) # => nil
      ENV.include?('bar') # => false

Raises an exception if name or value is invalid. See Invalid Names and Values.

static VALUE
env_aset_m(VALUE obj, VALUE nm, VALUE val)
    return env_aset(nm, val);
assoc(name) → [name, value] or nil click to toggle source

Returns a 2-element Array containing the name and value of the environment variable for name if it exists:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.assoc('foo') # => ['foo', '0']

Returns nil if name is a valid String and there is no such environment variable.

Returns nil if name is the empty String or is a String containing character '='.

Raises an exception if name is a String containing the NUL character "\0":

ENV.assoc("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte)

Raises an exception if name has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible:

# Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE)

Raises an exception if name is not a String:

ENV.assoc( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String)
static VALUE
env_assoc(VALUE env, VALUE key)
    const char *s = env_name(key);
    VALUE e = getenv_with_lock(s);

    if (!NIL_P(e)) {
        return rb_assoc_new(key, e);
    else {
        return Qnil;
clear → ENV click to toggle source

Removes every environment variable; returns ENV:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.size # => 2
ENV.clear # => ENV
ENV.size # => 0
static VALUE
env_clear(VALUE _)
    return rb_env_clear();
clone(freeze: nil) # raises TypeError click to toggle source

Raises TypeError, because ENV is a wrapper for the process-wide environment variables and a clone is useless. Use to_h to get a copy of ENV data as a hash.

static VALUE
env_clone(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
    if (argc) {
        VALUE opt;
        if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "0:", &opt) < argc) {
            rb_get_freeze_opt(1, &opt);

    rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Cannot clone ENV, use ENV.to_h to get a copy of ENV as a hash");
delete(name) → value click to toggle source
delete(name) { |name| block } → value
delete(missing_name) → nil
delete(missing_name) { |name| block } → block_value

Deletes the environment variable with name if it exists and returns its value:

ENV['foo'] = '0'
ENV.delete('foo') # => '0'

If a block is not given and the named environment variable does not exist, returns nil.

If a block given and the environment variable does not exist, yields name to the block and returns the value of the block:

ENV.delete('foo') { |name| name * 2 } # => "foofoo"

If a block given and the environment variable exists, deletes the environment variable and returns its value (ignoring the block):

ENV['foo'] = '0'
ENV.delete('foo') { |name| raise 'ignored' } # => "0"

Raises an exception if name is invalid. See Invalid Names and Values.

static VALUE
env_delete_m(VALUE obj, VALUE name)
    VALUE val;

    val = env_delete(name);
    if (NIL_P(val) && rb_block_given_p()) val = rb_yield(name);
    return val;
delete_if { |name, value| block } → ENV click to toggle source
delete_if → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, deleting each environment variable for which the block returns a truthy value, and returning ENV (regardless of whether any deletions):

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
ENV.delete_if { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"foo"=>"0"}
ENV.delete_if { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
e = ENV.delete_if # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:delete_if!>
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"foo"=>"0"}
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
static VALUE
env_delete_if(VALUE ehash)
    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);
    return envtbl;
dup # raises TypeError click to toggle source

Raises TypeError, because ENV is a singleton object. Use to_h to get a copy of ENV data as a hash.

static VALUE
env_dup(VALUE obj)
    rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Cannot dup ENV, use ENV.to_h to get a copy of ENV as a hash");
each { |name, value| block } → ENV click to toggle source
each → an_enumerator
each_pair { |name, value| block } → ENV
each_pair → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array:

h = {}
ENV.each_pair { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV
h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

h = {}
e = ENV.each_pair # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}:each_pair>
e.each { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV
h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}
static VALUE
env_each_pair(VALUE ehash)
    long i;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);

    VALUE ary = rb_ary_new();

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);

        while (*env) {
            char *s = strchr(*env, '=');
            if (s) {
                rb_ary_push(ary, env_str_new(*env, s-*env));
                rb_ary_push(ary, env_str_new2(s+1));

    if (rb_block_pair_yield_optimizable()) {
        for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i+=2) {
            rb_yield_values(2, RARRAY_AREF(ary, i), RARRAY_AREF(ary, i+1));
    else {
        for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i+=2) {
            rb_yield(rb_assoc_new(RARRAY_AREF(ary, i), RARRAY_AREF(ary, i+1)));

    return ehash;
each_key { |name| block } → ENV click to toggle source
each_key → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # => ENV
names = []
ENV.each_key { |name| names.push(name) } # => ENV
names # => ["bar", "foo"]

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

e = ENV.each_key # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}:each_key>
names = []
e.each { |name| names.push(name) } # => ENV
names # => ["bar", "foo"]
static VALUE
env_each_key(VALUE ehash)
    VALUE keys;
    long i;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);
    keys = env_keys(FALSE);
    for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(keys); i++) {
        rb_yield(RARRAY_AREF(keys, i));
    return ehash;
each { |name, value| block } → ENV click to toggle source
each → an_enumerator
each_pair { |name, value| block } → ENV
each_pair → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array:

h = {}
ENV.each_pair { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV
h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

h = {}
e = ENV.each_pair # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}:each_pair>
e.each { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV
h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}
static VALUE
env_each_pair(VALUE ehash)
    long i;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);

    VALUE ary = rb_ary_new();

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);

        while (*env) {
            char *s = strchr(*env, '=');
            if (s) {
                rb_ary_push(ary, env_str_new(*env, s-*env));
                rb_ary_push(ary, env_str_new2(s+1));

    if (rb_block_pair_yield_optimizable()) {
        for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i+=2) {
            rb_yield_values(2, RARRAY_AREF(ary, i), RARRAY_AREF(ary, i+1));
    else {
        for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i+=2) {
            rb_yield(rb_assoc_new(RARRAY_AREF(ary, i), RARRAY_AREF(ary, i+1)));

    return ehash;
each_value { |value| block } → ENV click to toggle source
each_value → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable value:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # => ENV
values = []
ENV.each_value { |value| values.push(value) } # => ENV
values # => ["1", "0"]

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

e = ENV.each_value # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}:each_value>
values = []
e.each { |value| values.push(value) } # => ENV
values # => ["1", "0"]
static VALUE
env_each_value(VALUE ehash)
    VALUE values;
    long i;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);
    values = env_values();
    for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(values); i++) {
        rb_yield(RARRAY_AREF(values, i));
    return ehash;
empty? → true or false click to toggle source

Returns true when there are no environment variables, false otherwise:

ENV.empty? # => true
ENV['foo'] = '0'
ENV.empty? # => false
static VALUE
env_empty_p(VALUE _)
    bool empty = true;

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);
        if (env[0] != 0) {
            empty = false;

    return RBOOL(empty);
except(*keys) → a_hash click to toggle source

Returns a hash except the given keys from ENV and their values.

ENV                       #=> {"LANG"=>"en_US.UTF-8", "TERM"=>"xterm-256color", "HOME"=>"/Users/rhc"}
ENV.except("TERM","HOME") #=> {"LANG"=>"en_US.UTF-8"}
static VALUE
env_except(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE _)
    int i;
    VALUE key, hash = env_to_hash();

    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        key = argv[i];
        rb_hash_delete(hash, key);

    return hash;
fetch(name) → value click to toggle source
fetch(name, default) → value
fetch(name) { |name| block } → value

If name is the name of an environment variable, returns its value:

ENV['foo'] = '0'
ENV.fetch('foo') # => '0'

Otherwise if a block is given (but not a default value), yields name to the block and returns the block’s return value:

ENV.fetch('foo') { |name| :need_not_return_a_string } # => :need_not_return_a_string

Otherwise if a default value is given (but not a block), returns the default value:

ENV.fetch('foo', :default_need_not_be_a_string) # => :default_need_not_be_a_string

If the environment variable does not exist and both default and block are given, issues a warning (“warning: block supersedes default value argument”), yields name to the block, and returns the block’s return value:

ENV.fetch('foo', :default) { |name| :block_return } # => :block_return

Raises KeyError if name is valid, but not found, and neither default value nor block is given:

ENV.fetch('foo') # Raises KeyError (key not found: "foo")

Raises an exception if name is invalid. See Invalid Names and Values.

static VALUE
env_fetch(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE _)
    VALUE key;
    long block_given;
    const char *nam;
    VALUE env;

    rb_check_arity(argc, 1, 2);
    key = argv[0];
    block_given = rb_block_given_p();
    if (block_given && argc == 2) {
        rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument");
    nam = env_name(key);
    env = getenv_with_lock(nam);

    if (NIL_P(env)) {
        if (block_given) return rb_yield(key);
        if (argc == 1) {
            rb_key_err_raise(rb_sprintf("key not found: \"%"PRIsVALUE"\"", key), envtbl, key);
        return argv[1];
    return env;
select { |name, value| block } → hash of name/value pairs click to toggle source
select → an_enumerator
filter { |name, value| block } → hash of name/value pairs
filter → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, returning a Hash of the names and values for which the block returns a truthy value:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
ENV.filter { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

e = # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:select>
e.each { |name, value | name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
e = ENV.filter # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:filter>
e.each { |name, value | name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
static VALUE
env_select(VALUE ehash)
    VALUE result;
    VALUE keys;
    long i;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);
    result = rb_hash_new();
    keys = env_keys(FALSE);
    for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(keys); ++i) {
        VALUE key = RARRAY_AREF(keys, i);
        VALUE val = rb_f_getenv(Qnil, key);
        if (!NIL_P(val)) {
            if (RTEST(rb_yield_values(2, key, val))) {
                rb_hash_aset(result, key, val);

    return result;
select! { |name, value| block } → ENV or nil click to toggle source
select! → an_enumerator
filter! { |name, value| block } → ENV or nil
filter! → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, deleting each entry for which the block returns false or nil, and returning ENV if any deletions made, or nil otherwise:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}! { |name, value| true } # => nil

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
ENV.filter! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
ENV.filter! { |name, value| true } # => nil

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
e =! # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}:select!>
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
e.each { |name, value| true } # => nil

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
e = ENV.filter! # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}:filter!>
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
e.each { |name, value| true } # => nil
static VALUE
env_select_bang(VALUE ehash)
    VALUE keys;
    long i;
    int del = 0;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);
    keys = env_keys(FALSE);
    for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(keys); i++) {
        VALUE val = rb_f_getenv(Qnil, RARRAY_AREF(keys, i));
        if (!NIL_P(val)) {
            if (!RTEST(rb_yield_values(2, RARRAY_AREF(keys, i), val))) {
                env_delete(RARRAY_AREF(keys, i));
    if (del == 0) return Qnil;
    return envtbl;
freeze click to toggle source

Raises an exception:

ENV.freeze # Raises TypeError (cannot freeze ENV)
static VALUE
env_freeze(VALUE self)
    rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "cannot freeze ENV");
include?(name) → true or false click to toggle source
has_key?(name) → true or false
member?(name) → true or false
key?(name) → true or false

Returns true if there is an environment variable with the given name:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.include?('foo') # => true

Returns false if name is a valid String and there is no such environment variable:

ENV.include?('baz') # => false

Returns false if name is the empty String or is a String containing character '=':

ENV.include?('') # => false
ENV.include?('=') # => false

Raises an exception if name is a String containing the NUL character "\0":

ENV.include?("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte)

Raises an exception if name has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible:

# Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE)

Raises an exception if name is not a String:

ENV.include?( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String)
static VALUE
env_has_key(VALUE env, VALUE key)
    const char *s = env_name(key);
    return RBOOL(has_env_with_lock(s));
value?(value) → true or false click to toggle source
has_value?(value) → true or false

Returns true if value is the value for some environment variable name, false otherwise:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.value?('0') # => true
ENV.has_value?('0') # => true
ENV.value?('2') # => false
ENV.has_value?('2') # => false
static VALUE
env_has_value(VALUE dmy, VALUE obj)
    obj = rb_check_string_type(obj);
    if (NIL_P(obj)) return Qnil;

    VALUE ret = Qfalse;

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);
        while (*env) {
            char *s = strchr(*env, '=');
            if (s++) {
                long len = strlen(s);
                if (RSTRING_LEN(obj) == len && strncmp(s, RSTRING_PTR(obj), len) == 0) {
                    ret = Qtrue;

    return ret;
include?(name) → true or false click to toggle source
has_key?(name) → true or false
member?(name) → true or false
key?(name) → true or false

Returns true if there is an environment variable with the given name:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.include?('foo') # => true

Returns false if name is a valid String and there is no such environment variable:

ENV.include?('baz') # => false

Returns false if name is the empty String or is a String containing character '=':

ENV.include?('') # => false
ENV.include?('=') # => false

Raises an exception if name is a String containing the NUL character "\0":

ENV.include?("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte)

Raises an exception if name has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible:

# Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE)

Raises an exception if name is not a String:

ENV.include?( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String)
static VALUE
env_has_key(VALUE env, VALUE key)
    const char *s = env_name(key);
    return RBOOL(has_env_with_lock(s));
inspect → a_string click to toggle source

Returns the contents of the environment as a String:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.inspect # => "{\"bar\"=>\"1\", \"foo\"=>\"0\"}"
static VALUE
env_inspect(VALUE _)
    VALUE str = rb_str_buf_new2("{");
    rb_encoding *enc = env_encoding();

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);
        while (*env) {
            const char *s = strchr(*env, '=');

            if (env != environ) {
                rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ", ");
            if (s) {
                rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_str_inspect(env_enc_str_new(*env, s-*env, enc)));
                rb_str_buf_cat2(str, "=>");
                rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_str_inspect(env_enc_str_new(s, strlen(s), enc)));

    rb_str_buf_cat2(str, "}");

    return str;
invert → hash of value/name pairs click to toggle source

Returns a Hash whose keys are the ENV values, and whose values are the corresponding ENV names:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.invert # => {"1"=>"bar", "0"=>"foo"}

For a duplicate ENV value, overwrites the hash entry:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '0')
ENV.invert # => {"0"=>"foo"}

Note that the order of the ENV processing is OS-dependent, which means that the order of overwriting is also OS-dependent. See About Ordering.

static VALUE
env_invert(VALUE _)
    return rb_hash_invert(env_to_hash());
keep_if { |name, value| block } → ENV click to toggle source
keep_if → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, deleting each environment variable for which the block returns false or nil, and returning ENV:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
ENV.keep_if { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
e = ENV.keep_if # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:keep_if>
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
static VALUE
env_keep_if(VALUE ehash)
    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);
    return envtbl;
key(value) → name or nil click to toggle source

Returns the name of the first environment variable with value, if it exists:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '0')
ENV.key('0') # => "foo"

The order in which environment variables are examined is OS-dependent. See About Ordering.

Returns nil if there is no such value.

Raises an exception if value is invalid:

ENV.key( # raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String)

See Invalid Names and Values.

static VALUE
env_key(VALUE dmy, VALUE value)
    VALUE str = Qnil;

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);
        while (*env) {
            char *s = strchr(*env, '=');
            if (s++) {
                long len = strlen(s);
                if (RSTRING_LEN(value) == len && strncmp(s, RSTRING_PTR(value), len) == 0) {
                    str = env_str_new(*env, s-*env-1);

    return str;
include?(name) → true or false click to toggle source
has_key?(name) → true or false
member?(name) → true or false
key?(name) → true or false

Returns true if there is an environment variable with the given name:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.include?('foo') # => true

Returns false if name is a valid String and there is no such environment variable:

ENV.include?('baz') # => false

Returns false if name is the empty String or is a String containing character '=':

ENV.include?('') # => false
ENV.include?('=') # => false

Raises an exception if name is a String containing the NUL character "\0":

ENV.include?("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte)

Raises an exception if name has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible:

# Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE)

Raises an exception if name is not a String:

ENV.include?( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String)
static VALUE
env_has_key(VALUE env, VALUE key)
    const char *s = env_name(key);
    return RBOOL(has_env_with_lock(s));
keys → array of names click to toggle source

Returns all variable names in an Array:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.keys # => ['bar', 'foo']

The order of the names is OS-dependent. See About Ordering.

Returns the empty Array if ENV is empty.

static VALUE
env_f_keys(VALUE _)
    return env_keys(FALSE);
length → an_integer click to toggle source
size → an_integer

Returns the count of environment variables:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.length # => 2
ENV.size # => 2
static VALUE
env_size(VALUE _)
    return INT2FIX(env_size_with_lock());
include?(name) → true or false click to toggle source
has_key?(name) → true or false
member?(name) → true or false
key?(name) → true or false

Returns true if there is an environment variable with the given name:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.include?('foo') # => true

Returns false if name is a valid String and there is no such environment variable:

ENV.include?('baz') # => false

Returns false if name is the empty String or is a String containing character '=':

ENV.include?('') # => false
ENV.include?('=') # => false

Raises an exception if name is a String containing the NUL character "\0":

ENV.include?("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte)

Raises an exception if name has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible:

# Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE)

Raises an exception if name is not a String:

ENV.include?( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String)
static VALUE
env_has_key(VALUE env, VALUE key)
    const char *s = env_name(key);
    return RBOOL(has_env_with_lock(s));
update → ENV click to toggle source
update(*hashes) → ENV
update(*hashes) { |name, env_val, hash_val| block } → ENV
merge! → ENV
merge!(*hashes) → ENV
merge!(*hashes) { |name, env_val, hash_val| block } → ENV

Adds to ENV each key/value pair in the given hash; returns ENV:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.merge!('baz' => '2', 'bat' => '3') # => {"bar"=>"1", "bat"=>"3", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}

Deletes the ENV entry for a hash value that is nil:

ENV.merge!('baz' => nil, 'bat' => nil) # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}

For an already-existing name, if no block given, overwrites the ENV value:

ENV.merge!('foo' => '4') # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"4"}

For an already-existing name, if block given, yields the name, its ENV value, and its hash value; the block’s return value becomes the new name:

ENV.merge!('foo' => '5') { |name, env_val, hash_val | env_val + hash_val } # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"45"}

Raises an exception if a name or value is invalid (see Invalid Names and Values);

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.merge!('foo' => '6', :bar => '7', 'baz' => '9') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into String)
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"6"}
ENV.merge!('foo' => '7', 'bar' => 8, 'baz' => '9') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String)
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"7"}

Raises an exception if the block returns an invalid name: (see Invalid Names and Values):

ENV.merge!('bat' => '8', 'foo' => '9') { |name, env_val, hash_val | 10 } # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String)
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "bat"=>"8", "foo"=>"7"}

Note that for the exceptions above, hash pairs preceding an invalid name or value are processed normally; those following are ignored.

static VALUE
env_update(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE env)
    rb_foreach_func *func = rb_block_given_p() ?
        env_update_block_i : env_update_i;
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
        VALUE hash = argv[i];
        if (env == hash) continue;
        hash = to_hash(hash);
        rb_hash_foreach(hash, func, 0);
    return env;
rassoc(value) → [name, value] or nil click to toggle source

Returns a 2-element Array containing the name and value of the first found environment variable that has value value, if one exists:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '0')
ENV.rassoc('0') # => ["bar", "0"]

The order in which environment variables are examined is OS-dependent. See About Ordering.

Returns nil if there is no such environment variable.

static VALUE
env_rassoc(VALUE dmy, VALUE obj)
    obj = rb_check_string_type(obj);
    if (NIL_P(obj)) return Qnil;

    VALUE result = Qnil;

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);

        while (*env) {
            const char *p = *env;
            char *s = strchr(p, '=');
            if (s++) {
                long len = strlen(s);
                if (RSTRING_LEN(obj) == len && strncmp(s, RSTRING_PTR(obj), len) == 0) {
                    result = rb_assoc_new(rb_str_new(p, s-p-1), obj);

    return result;
rehash → nil click to toggle source

(Provided for compatibility with Hash.)

Does not modify ENV; returns nil.

static VALUE
env_none(VALUE _)
    return Qnil;
reject { |name, value| block } → hash of name/value pairs click to toggle source
reject → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array. Returns a Hash whose items are determined by the block. When the block returns a truthy value, the name/value pair is added to the return Hash; otherwise the pair is ignored:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
ENV.reject { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"foo"=>"0"}

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

e = ENV.reject
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"foo"=>"0"}
static VALUE
env_reject(VALUE _)
    return rb_hash_delete_if(env_to_hash());
reject! { |name, value| block } → ENV or nil click to toggle source
reject! → an_enumerator

Similar to ENV.delete_if, but returns nil if no changes were made.

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, deleting each environment variable for which the block returns a truthy value, and returning ENV (if any deletions) or nil (if not):

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
ENV.reject! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"foo"=>"0"}
ENV.reject! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => nil

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
e = ENV.reject! # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:reject!>
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"foo"=>"0"}
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => nil
static VALUE
env_reject_bang(VALUE ehash)
    VALUE keys;
    long i;
    int del = 0;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);
    keys = env_keys(FALSE);
    for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(keys); i++) {
        VALUE val = rb_f_getenv(Qnil, RARRAY_AREF(keys, i));
        if (!NIL_P(val)) {
            if (RTEST(rb_yield_values(2, RARRAY_AREF(keys, i), val))) {
                env_delete(RARRAY_AREF(keys, i));
    if (del == 0) return Qnil;
    return envtbl;
replace(hash) → ENV click to toggle source

Replaces the entire content of the environment variables with the name/value pairs in the given hash; returns ENV.

Replaces the content of ENV with the given pairs:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # => ENV
ENV.to_hash # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}

Raises an exception if a name or value is invalid (see Invalid Names and Values):

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', :bar => '1') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into String)
ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => 1) # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String)
ENV.to_hash # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}
static VALUE
env_replace(VALUE env, VALUE hash)
    VALUE keys;
    long i;

    keys = env_keys(TRUE);
    if (env == hash) return env;
    hash = to_hash(hash);
    rb_hash_foreach(hash, env_replace_i, keys);

    for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(keys); i++) {
        env_delete(RARRAY_AREF(keys, i));
    return env;
select { |name, value| block } → hash of name/value pairs click to toggle source
select → an_enumerator
filter { |name, value| block } → hash of name/value pairs
filter → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, returning a Hash of the names and values for which the block returns a truthy value:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
ENV.filter { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

e = # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:select>
e.each { |name, value | name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
e = ENV.filter # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:filter>
e.each { |name, value | name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
static VALUE
env_select(VALUE ehash)
    VALUE result;
    VALUE keys;
    long i;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);
    result = rb_hash_new();
    keys = env_keys(FALSE);
    for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(keys); ++i) {
        VALUE key = RARRAY_AREF(keys, i);
        VALUE val = rb_f_getenv(Qnil, key);
        if (!NIL_P(val)) {
            if (RTEST(rb_yield_values(2, key, val))) {
                rb_hash_aset(result, key, val);

    return result;
select! { |name, value| block } → ENV or nil click to toggle source
select! → an_enumerator
filter! { |name, value| block } → ENV or nil
filter! → an_enumerator

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, deleting each entry for which the block returns false or nil, and returning ENV if any deletions made, or nil otherwise:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}! { |name, value| true } # => nil

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
ENV.filter! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
ENV.filter! { |name, value| true } # => nil

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
e =! # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}:select!>
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
e.each { |name, value| true } # => nil

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
e = ENV.filter! # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}:filter!>
e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"}
e.each { |name, value| true } # => nil
static VALUE
env_select_bang(VALUE ehash)
    VALUE keys;
    long i;
    int del = 0;

    RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ehash, 0, 0, rb_env_size);
    keys = env_keys(FALSE);
    for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(keys); i++) {
        VALUE val = rb_f_getenv(Qnil, RARRAY_AREF(keys, i));
        if (!NIL_P(val)) {
            if (!RTEST(rb_yield_values(2, RARRAY_AREF(keys, i), val))) {
                env_delete(RARRAY_AREF(keys, i));
    if (del == 0) return Qnil;
    return envtbl;
shift → [name, value] or nil click to toggle source

Removes the first environment variable from ENV and returns a 2-element Array containing its name and value:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.to_hash # => {'bar' => '1', 'foo' => '0'}
ENV.shift # => ['bar', '1']
ENV.to_hash # => {'foo' => '0'}

Exactly which environment variable is “first” is OS-dependent. See About Ordering.

Returns nil if the environment is empty.

static VALUE
env_shift(VALUE _)
    VALUE result = Qnil;
    VALUE key = Qnil;

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);
        if (*env) {
            const char *p = *env;
            char *s = strchr(p, '=');
            if (s) {
                key = env_str_new(p, s-p);
                VALUE val = env_str_new2(getenv(RSTRING_PTR(key)));
                result = rb_assoc_new(key, val);

    if (!NIL_P(key)) {

    return result;
length → an_integer click to toggle source
size → an_integer

Returns the count of environment variables:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.length # => 2
ENV.size # => 2
static VALUE
env_size(VALUE _)
    return INT2FIX(env_size_with_lock());
slice(*names) → hash of name/value pairs click to toggle source

Returns a Hash of the given ENV names and their corresponding values:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2', 'bat' => '3')
ENV.slice('foo', 'baz') # => {"foo"=>"0", "baz"=>"2"}
ENV.slice('baz', 'foo') # => {"baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}

Raises an exception if any of the names is invalid (see Invalid Names and Values):

ENV.slice('foo', 'bar', :bat) # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into String)
static VALUE
env_slice(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE _)
    int i;
    VALUE key, value, result;

    if (argc == 0) {
        return rb_hash_new();
    result = rb_hash_new_with_size(argc);

    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        key = argv[i];
        value = rb_f_getenv(Qnil, key);
        if (value != Qnil)
            rb_hash_aset(result, key, value);

    return result;
ENV[name] = value → value click to toggle source
store(name, value) → value

Creates, updates, or deletes the named environment variable, returning the value. Both name and value may be instances of String. See Valid Names and Values.

  • If the named environment variable does not exist:

    • If value is nil, does nothing.

      ENV['foo'] = nil # => nil
      ENV.include?('foo') # => false'bar', nil) # => nil
      ENV.include?('bar') # => false
    • If value is not nil, creates the environment variable with name and value:

      # Create 'foo' using ENV.[]=.
      ENV['foo'] = '0' # => '0'
      ENV['foo'] # => '0'
      # Create 'bar' using'bar', '1') # => '1'
      ENV['bar'] # => '1'
  • If the named environment variable exists:

    • If value is not nil, updates the environment variable with value value:

      # Update 'foo' using ENV.[]=.
      ENV['foo'] = '2' # => '2'
      ENV['foo'] # => '2'
      # Update 'bar' using'bar', '3') # => '3'
      ENV['bar'] # => '3'
    • If value is nil, deletes the environment variable:

      # Delete 'foo' using ENV.[]=.
      ENV['foo'] = nil # => nil
      ENV.include?('foo') # => false
      # Delete 'bar' using'bar', nil) # => nil
      ENV.include?('bar') # => false

Raises an exception if name or value is invalid. See Invalid Names and Values.

static VALUE
env_aset_m(VALUE obj, VALUE nm, VALUE val)
    return env_aset(nm, val);
to_a → array of 2-element arrays click to toggle source

Returns the contents of ENV as an Array of 2-element Arrays, each of which is a name/value pair:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.to_a # => [["bar", "1"], ["foo", "0"]]
static VALUE
env_to_a(VALUE _)
    VALUE ary = rb_ary_new();

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);
        while (*env) {
            char *s = strchr(*env, '=');
            if (s) {
                rb_ary_push(ary, rb_assoc_new(env_str_new(*env, s-*env),

    return ary;
to_h → hash of name/value pairs click to toggle source
to_h {|name, value| block } → hash of name/value pairs

With no block, returns a Hash containing all name/value pairs from ENV:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.to_h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}

With a block, returns a Hash whose items are determined by the block. Each name/value pair in ENV is yielded to the block. The block must return a 2-element Array (name/value pair) that is added to the return Hash as a key and value:

ENV.to_h { |name, value| [name.to_sym, value.to_i] } # => {:bar=>1, :foo=>0}

Raises an exception if the block does not return an Array:

ENV.to_h { |name, value| name } # Raises TypeError (wrong element type String (expected array))

Raises an exception if the block returns an Array of the wrong size:

ENV.to_h { |name, value| [name] } # Raises ArgumentError (element has wrong array length (expected 2, was 1))
static VALUE
env_to_h(VALUE _)
    VALUE hash = env_to_hash();
    if (rb_block_given_p()) {
        hash = rb_hash_to_h_block(hash);
    return hash;
to_hash → hash of name/value pairs click to toggle source

Returns a Hash containing all name/value pairs from ENV:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.to_hash # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}
static VALUE
env_f_to_hash(VALUE _)
    return env_to_hash();
to_s → "ENV" click to toggle source

Returns String ‘ENV’:

ENV.to_s # => "ENV"
static VALUE
env_to_s(VALUE _)
    return rb_usascii_str_new2("ENV");
update → ENV click to toggle source
update(*hashes) → ENV
update(*hashes) { |name, env_val, hash_val| block } → ENV
merge! → ENV
merge!(*hashes) → ENV
merge!(*hashes) { |name, env_val, hash_val| block } → ENV

Adds to ENV each key/value pair in the given hash; returns ENV:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.merge!('baz' => '2', 'bat' => '3') # => {"bar"=>"1", "bat"=>"3", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}

Deletes the ENV entry for a hash value that is nil:

ENV.merge!('baz' => nil, 'bat' => nil) # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}

For an already-existing name, if no block given, overwrites the ENV value:

ENV.merge!('foo' => '4') # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"4"}

For an already-existing name, if block given, yields the name, its ENV value, and its hash value; the block’s return value becomes the new name:

ENV.merge!('foo' => '5') { |name, env_val, hash_val | env_val + hash_val } # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"45"}

Raises an exception if a name or value is invalid (see Invalid Names and Values);

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.merge!('foo' => '6', :bar => '7', 'baz' => '9') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into String)
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"6"}
ENV.merge!('foo' => '7', 'bar' => 8, 'baz' => '9') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String)
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"7"}

Raises an exception if the block returns an invalid name: (see Invalid Names and Values):

ENV.merge!('bat' => '8', 'foo' => '9') { |name, env_val, hash_val | 10 } # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String)
ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "bat"=>"8", "foo"=>"7"}

Note that for the exceptions above, hash pairs preceding an invalid name or value are processed normally; those following are ignored.

static VALUE
env_update(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE env)
    rb_foreach_func *func = rb_block_given_p() ?
        env_update_block_i : env_update_i;
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
        VALUE hash = argv[i];
        if (env == hash) continue;
        hash = to_hash(hash);
        rb_hash_foreach(hash, func, 0);
    return env;
value?(value) → true or false click to toggle source
has_value?(value) → true or false

Returns true if value is the value for some environment variable name, false otherwise:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.value?('0') # => true
ENV.has_value?('0') # => true
ENV.value?('2') # => false
ENV.has_value?('2') # => false
static VALUE
env_has_value(VALUE dmy, VALUE obj)
    obj = rb_check_string_type(obj);
    if (NIL_P(obj)) return Qnil;

    VALUE ret = Qfalse;

        char **env = GET_ENVIRON(environ);
        while (*env) {
            char *s = strchr(*env, '=');
            if (s++) {
                long len = strlen(s);
                if (RSTRING_LEN(obj) == len && strncmp(s, RSTRING_PTR(obj), len) == 0) {
                    ret = Qtrue;

    return ret;
values → array of values click to toggle source

Returns all environment variable values in an Array:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.values # => ['1', '0']

The order of the values is OS-dependent. See About Ordering.

Returns the empty Array if ENV is empty.

static VALUE
env_f_values(VALUE _)
    return env_values();
values_at(*names) → array of values click to toggle source

Returns an Array containing the environment variable values associated with the given names:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
ENV.values_at('foo', 'baz') # => ["0", "2"]

Returns nil in the Array for each name that is not an ENV name:

ENV.values_at('foo', 'bat', 'bar', 'bam') # => ["0", nil, "1", nil]

Returns an empty Array if no names given.

Raises an exception if any name is invalid. See Invalid Names and Values.

static VALUE
env_values_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE _)
    VALUE result;
    long i;

    result = rb_ary_new();
    for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
        rb_ary_push(result, rb_f_getenv(Qnil, argv[i]));
    return result;