class XMLRPC::ModRubyServer

Implements a XML-RPC server, which works with Apache mod_ruby.

Use it in the same way as XMLRPC::CGIServer!

Public Class Methods

new(*a) click to toggle source

Creates a new XMLRPC::ModRubyServer instance.

All parameters given are by-passed to

Calls superclass method XMLRPC::BasicServer::new
# File lib/xmlrpc/server.rb, line 467
def initialize(*a)
  @ap = Apache::request

Public Instance Methods

serve() click to toggle source

Call this after you have added all you handlers to the server.

This method processes a XML-RPC method call and sends the answer back to the client.

# File lib/xmlrpc/server.rb, line 476
def serve
  catch(:exit_serve) {
    header = {}
    @ap.headers_in.each {|key, value| header[key.capitalize] = value}

    length = header['Content-length'].to_i

    http_error(405, "Method Not Allowed") unless @ap.request_method  == "POST"
    http_error(400, "Bad Request")        unless parse_content_type(header['Content-type']).first == "text/xml"
    http_error(411, "Length Required")    unless length > 0

    # TODO: do we need a call to binmode?
    data =

    http_error(400, "Bad Request")        if data.nil? or data.bytesize != length

    http_write(process(data), 200, "Content-type" => "text/xml; charset=utf-8")

Private Instance Methods

http_error(status, message) click to toggle source
# File lib/xmlrpc/server.rb, line 500
  def http_error(status, message)
    err = "#{status} #{message}"
    msg = <<-"MSGEND"
          <p>Unexpected error occurred while processing XML-RPC request!</p>

    http_write(msg, status, "Status" => err, "Content-type" => "text/html")
    throw :exit_serve # exit from the #serve method
http_write(body, status, header) click to toggle source
# File lib/xmlrpc/server.rb, line 518
def http_write(body, status, header)
  h = {}
  header.each {|key, value| h[key.to_s.capitalize] = value}
  h['Status']         ||= "200 OK"
  h['Content-length'] ||= body.bytesize.to_s

  h.each {|key, value| @ap.headers_out[key] = value }
  @ap.content_type = h["Content-type"]
  @ap.status = status.to_i

  @ap.print body