class REXML::Parsers::SAX2Parser
Public Class Methods
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 10 def initialize source @parser = @listeners = [] @procs = [] @namespace_stack = [] @has_listeners = false @tag_stack = [] @entities = {} end
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 24 def add_listener( listener ) @parser.add_listener( listener ) end
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 76 def deafen( listener=nil, &blok ) if listener @listeners.delete_if {|item| item[-1] == listener } @has_listeners = false if @listeners.size == 0 else @procs.delete_if {|item| item[-1] == blok } end end
Listen arguments:
Symbol, Array, Block
Listen to Symbol events on Array elements
Symbol, Block
Listen to Symbol events
Array, Listener
Listen to all events on Array elements
Array, Block
Listen to :start_element events on Array elements
Listen to All events
Symbol can be one of: :start_element, :end_element, :start_prefix_mapping, :end_prefix_mapping, :characters, :processing_instruction, :doctype, :attlistdecl, :elementdecl, :entitydecl, :notationdecl, :cdata, :xmldecl, :comment
There is an additional symbol that can be listened for: :progress. This will be called for every event generated, passing in the current stream position.
Array contains regular expressions or strings which will be matched against fully qualified element names.
Listener must implement the methods in SAX2Listener
Block will be passed the same arguments as a SAX2Listener method would be, where the method name is the same as the matched Symbol. See the SAX2Listener for more information.
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 58 def listen( *args, &blok ) if args[0].kind_of? Symbol if args.size == 2 args[1].each { |match| @procs << [args[0], match, blok] } else add( [args[0], nil, blok] ) end elsif args[0].kind_of? Array if args.size == 2 args[0].each { |match| add( [nil, match, args[1]] ) } else args[0].each { |match| add( [ :start_element, match, blok ] ) } end else add([nil, nil, args[0]]) end end
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 85 def parse @procs.each { |sym,match,block| if sym == :start_document } @listeners.each { |sym,match,block| block.start_document if sym == :start_document or sym.nil? } context = [] while true event = @parser.pull case event[0] when :end_document handle( :end_document ) break when :start_doctype handle( :doctype, *event[1..-1]) when :end_doctype context = context[1] when :start_element @tag_stack.push(event[1]) # find the observers for namespaces procs = get_procs( :start_prefix_mapping, event[1] ) listeners = get_listeners( :start_prefix_mapping, event[1] ) if procs or listeners # break out the namespace declarations # The attributes live in event[2] event[2].each {|n, v| event[2][n] = @parser.normalize(v)} nsdecl = event[2].find_all { |n, value| n =~ /^xmlns(:|$)/ } nsdecl.collect! { |n, value| [ n[6..-1], value ] } @namespace_stack.push({}) nsdecl.each do |n,v| @namespace_stack[-1][n] = v # notify observers of namespaces procs.each { |ob| n, v ) } if procs listeners.each { |ob| ob.start_prefix_mapping(n, v) } if listeners end end event[1] =~ Namespace::NAMESPLIT prefix = $1 local = $2 uri = get_namespace(prefix) # find the observers for start_element procs = get_procs( :start_element, event[1] ) listeners = get_listeners( :start_element, event[1] ) # notify observers procs.each { |ob| uri, local, event[1], event[2] ) } if procs listeners.each { |ob| ob.start_element( uri, local, event[1], event[2] ) } if listeners when :end_element @tag_stack.pop event[1] =~ Namespace::NAMESPLIT prefix = $1 local = $2 uri = get_namespace(prefix) # find the observers for start_element procs = get_procs( :end_element, event[1] ) listeners = get_listeners( :end_element, event[1] ) # notify observers procs.each { |ob| uri, local, event[1] ) } if procs listeners.each { |ob| ob.end_element( uri, local, event[1] ) } if listeners namespace_mapping = @namespace_stack.pop # find the observers for namespaces procs = get_procs( :end_prefix_mapping, event[1] ) listeners = get_listeners( :end_prefix_mapping, event[1] ) if procs or listeners namespace_mapping.each do |ns_prefix, ns_uri| # notify observers of namespaces procs.each { |ob| ns_prefix ) } if procs listeners.each { |ob| ob.end_prefix_mapping(ns_prefix) } if listeners end end when :text #normalized = @parser.normalize( event[1] ) #handle( :characters, normalized ) copy = event[1].clone esub = proc { |match| if @entities.has_key?($1) @entities[$1].gsub(Text::REFERENCE, &esub) else match end } copy.gsub!( Text::REFERENCE, &esub ) copy.gsub!( Text::NUMERICENTITY ) {|m| m=$1 m = "0#{m}" if m[0] == ?x [Integer(m)].pack('U*') } handle( :characters, copy ) when :entitydecl handle_entitydecl( event ) when :processing_instruction, :comment, :attlistdecl, :elementdecl, :cdata, :notationdecl, :xmldecl handle( *event ) end handle( :progress, @parser.position ) end end
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 20 def source @parser.source end
Private Instance Methods
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 257 def add( pair ) if pair[-1].respond_to? :call @procs << pair unless @procs.include? pair else @listeners << pair unless @listeners.include? pair @has_listeners = true end end
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 243 def get_listeners( symbol, name ) return nil if @listeners.size == 0 @listeners.find_all do |sym, match, block| ( (sym.nil? or symbol == sym) and ((name.nil? and match.nil?) or match.nil? or ( (name == match) or (match.kind_of? Regexp and name =~ match) ) ) ) end.collect{|x| x[-1]} end
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 266 def get_namespace( prefix ) uris = (@namespace_stack.find_all { |ns| not ns[prefix].nil? }) || (@namespace_stack.find { |ns| not ns[nil].nil? }) uris[-1][prefix] unless uris.nil? or 0 == uris.size end
The following methods are duplicates, but it is faster than using a helper
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 229 def get_procs( symbol, name ) return nil if @procs.size == 0 @procs.find_all do |sym, match, block| #puts sym.inspect+"=="+symbol.inspect+ "\t"+match.inspect+"=="+name.inspect+ "\t"+( (sym.nil? or symbol == sym) and ((name.nil? and match.nil?) or match.nil? or ( (name == match) or (match.kind_of? Regexp and name =~ match)))).to_s ( (sym.nil? or symbol == sym) and ((name.nil? and match.nil?) or match.nil? or ( (name == match) or (match.kind_of? Regexp and name =~ match) ) ) ) end.collect{|x| x[-1]} end
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 189 def handle( symbol, *arguments ) tag = @tag_stack[-1] procs = get_procs( symbol, tag ) listeners = get_listeners( symbol, tag ) # notify observers procs.each { |ob| *arguments ) } if procs listeners.each { |l| l.send( symbol.to_s, *arguments ) } if listeners end
# File lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb, line 200 def handle_entitydecl( event ) @entities[ event[1] ] = event[2] if event.size == 3 parameter_reference_p = false case event[2] when "SYSTEM" if event.size == 5 if event.last == "%" parameter_reference_p = true else event[4, 0] = "NDATA" end end when "PUBLIC" if event.size == 6 if event.last == "%" parameter_reference_p = true else event[5, 0] = "NDATA" end end else parameter_reference_p = (event.size == 4) end event[1, 0] = event.pop if parameter_reference_p handle( event[0], event[1..-1] ) end