297#define RB_DEBUG_INSPECTOR_FRAME_DEPTH(dc, index) rb_debug_inspector_frame_depth(dc, index)
666#define POSTPONED_JOB_HANDLE_INVALID ((rb_postponed_job_handle_t)UINT_MAX)
787} rb_event_hook_flag_t;
int rb_profile_frames(int start, int limit, VALUE *buff, int *lines)
Queries mysterious "frame"s of the given range.
unsigned int rb_postponed_job_handle_t
The type of a handle returned from rb_postponed_job_preregister and passed to rb_postponed_job_trigge...
VALUE rb_profile_frame_full_label(VALUE frame)
Identical to rb_profile_frame_label(), except it returns a qualified result.
VALUE rb_tracearg_binding(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Creates a binding object of the point where the trace is at.
VALUE rb_debug_inspector_frame_iseq_get(const rb_debug_inspector_t *dc, long index)
Queries the instruction sequence of the passed context's upper frame.
void rb_postponed_job_trigger(rb_postponed_job_handle_t h)
Triggers a pre-registered job registered with rb_postponed_job_preregister, scheduling it for executi...
VALUE rb_debug_inspector_current_depth(void)
Return current frmae depth.
VALUE rb_tracepoint_enabled_p(VALUE tpval)
Queries if the passed TracePoint is up and running.
VALUE rb_tracearg_object(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Queries the allocated/deallocated object that the trace represents.
VALUE rb_tracearg_callee_id(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Identical to rb_tracearg_method_id(), except it returns callee id like rb_frame_callee().
VALUE rb_profile_frame_method_name(VALUE frame)
Queries the name of the method of the passed frame.
VALUE rb_tracearg_defined_class(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Queries the class that defines the method that the passed trace is at.
VALUE rb_tracepoint_new(VALUE target_thread_not_supported_yet, rb_event_flag_t events, void(*func)(VALUE, void *), void *data)
Creates a tracepoint by registering a callback function for one or more tracepoint events.
VALUE rb_tracearg_raised_exception(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Queries the raised exception that the trace represents.
VALUE rb_debug_inspector_frame_depth(const rb_debug_inspector_t *dc, long index)
Queries the depth of the passed context's upper frame.
void rb_thread_add_event_hook(VALUE thval, rb_event_hook_func_t func, rb_event_flag_t events, VALUE data)
Identical to rb_add_event_hook(), except its effect is limited to the passed thread.
rb_postponed_job_handle_t rb_postponed_job_preregister(unsigned int flags, rb_postponed_job_func_t func, void *data)
Pre-registers a func in Ruby's postponed job preregistration table, returning an opaque handle which ...
VALUE rb_profile_frame_qualified_method_name(VALUE frame)
Identical to rb_profile_frame_method_name(), except it "qualifies" the return value with its defining...
VALUE rb_profile_frame_label(VALUE frame)
Queries human-readable "label" string.
VALUE rb_tracepoint_disable(VALUE tpval)
Stops (disables) an already running instance of TracePoint.
VALUE rb_tracearg_self(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Queries the receiver of the point trace is at.
int rb_thread_remove_event_hook(VALUE thval, rb_event_hook_func_t func)
Identical to rb_remove_event_hook(), except it additionally takes a thread argument.
VALUE rb_profile_frame_singleton_method_p(VALUE frame)
Queries if the method of the passed frame is a singleton class.
VALUE rb_debug_inspector_backtrace_locations(const rb_debug_inspector_t *dc)
Queries the backtrace object of the context.
VALUE rb_profile_frame_absolute_path(VALUE frame)
Identical to rb_profile_frame_path(), except it tries to expand the returning path.
int rb_postponed_job_register_one(unsigned int flags, rb_postponed_job_func_t func, void *data)
Identical to rb_postponed_job_register
VALUE rb_debug_inspector_open(rb_debug_inspector_func_t func, void *data)
Prepares, executes, then cleans up a debug session.
VALUE rb_tracearg_return_value(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Queries the return value that the trace represents.
rb_event_flag_t rb_tracearg_event_flag(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Queries the event of the passed trace.
VALUE rb_debug_inspector_frame_self_get(const rb_debug_inspector_t *dc, long index)
Queries the current receiver of the passed context's upper frame.
VALUE rb_tracearg_path(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Queries the file name of the point where the trace is at.
int rb_thread_remove_event_hook_with_data(VALUE thval, rb_event_hook_func_t func, VALUE data)
Identical to rb_thread_remove_event_hook(), except it additionally takes the data argument.
VALUE rb_tracepoint_enable(VALUE tpval)
Starts (enables) trace(s) defined by the passed object.
VALUE rb_debug_inspector_frame_binding_get(const rb_debug_inspector_t *dc, long index)
Queries the binding of the passed context's upper frame.
int rb_postponed_job_register(unsigned int flags, rb_postponed_job_func_t func, void *data)
Schedules the given func to be called with data when Ruby next checks for interrupts.
VALUE rb_tracearg_method_id(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Queries the method name of the point where the trace is at.
VALUE rb_debug_inspector_frame_class_get(const rb_debug_inspector_t *dc, long index)
Queries the current class of the passed context's upper frame.
int rb_remove_event_hook_with_data(rb_event_hook_func_t func, VALUE data)
Identical to rb_remove_event_hook(), except it additionally takes the data argument.
VALUE rb_profile_frame_classpath(VALUE frame)
Queries the class path of the method that the passed frame represents.
rb_trace_arg_t * rb_tracearg_from_tracepoint(VALUE tpval)
Queries the current event of the passed tracepoint.
VALUE rb_profile_frame_path(VALUE frame)
Queries the path of the passed backtrace.
VALUE rb_profile_frame_first_lineno(VALUE frame)
Queries the first line of the method of the passed frame pointer.
VALUE rb_tracearg_lineno(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Queries the line of the point where the trace is at.
int rb_profile_thread_frames(VALUE thread, int start, int limit, VALUE *buff, int *lines)
Queries mysterious "frame"s of the given range.
void(* rb_postponed_job_func_t)(void *arg)
Type of postponed jobs.
VALUE(* rb_debug_inspector_func_t)(const rb_debug_inspector_t *dc, void *data)
Type of the callback function passed to rb_debug_inspector_open().
VALUE rb_profile_frame_base_label(VALUE frame)
Identical to rb_profile_frame_label(), except it does not "qualify" the result.
VALUE rb_tracearg_event(rb_trace_arg_t *trace_arg)
Identical to rb_tracearg_event_flag(), except it returns the name of the event in Ruby's symbol.
Wraps (or simulates) [[deprecated]]
Tweaking visibility of C variables/functions.
Shortcut macro equivalent to RUBY_SYMBOL_EXPORT_BEGIN extern "C" {.
Debugging and tracing APIs.
void(* rb_event_hook_func_t)(rb_event_flag_t evflag, VALUE data, VALUE self, ID mid, VALUE klass)
Type of event hooks.
uint32_t rb_event_flag_t
Represents event(s).
Wraps (or simulates) __attribute__((nonnull))
Wraps (or simulates) __attribute__((returns_nonnull))
uintptr_t VALUE
Type that represents a Ruby object.