51#define st_foreach_safe rb_st_foreach_safe
Tweaking visibility of C variables/functions.
Shortcut macro equivalent to RUBY_SYMBOL_EXPORT_BEGIN extern "C" {.
VALUE rb_hash_size(VALUE hash)
Identical to RHASH_SIZE(), except it returns the size in Ruby's integer instead of C's.
void rb_hash_bulk_insert(long argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE hash)
Inserts a list of key-value pairs into a hash table at once.
void rb_hash_foreach(VALUE hash, int(*func)(VALUE key, VALUE val, VALUE arg), VALUE arg)
Iterates over a hash.
VALUE rb_check_hash_type(VALUE obj)
Try converting an object to its hash representation using its to_hash method, if any.
void rb_st_foreach_safe(struct st_table *st, st_foreach_callback_func *func, st_data_t arg)
Identical to rb_st_foreach(), except it raises exceptions when the callback function tampers the tabl...
VALUE rb_hash_lookup2(VALUE hash, VALUE key, VALUE def)
Identical to rb_hash_lookup(), except you can specify what to return on misshits.
VALUE rb_hash_freeze(VALUE obj)
Just another name of rb_obj_freeze.
VALUE rb_hash_update_func(VALUE newkey, VALUE oldkey, VALUE value)
Type of callback functions to pass to rb_hash_update_by().
VALUE rb_hash_delete(VALUE hash, VALUE key)
Deletes the passed key from the passed hash table, if any.
VALUE rb_hash_new_capa(long capa)
Identical to rb_hash_new(), except it additionally specifies how many keys it is expected to contain.
VALUE rb_hash_fetch(VALUE hash, VALUE key)
Identical to rb_hash_lookup(), except it yields the (implicitly) passed block instead of returning RU...
VALUE rb_hash_delete_if(VALUE hash)
Deletes each entry for which the block returns a truthy value.
VALUE rb_hash_update_by(VALUE hash1, VALUE hash2, rb_hash_update_func *func)
Destructively merges two hash tables into one.
VALUE rb_hash_aref(VALUE hash, VALUE key)
Queries the given key in the given hash table.
VALUE rb_hash_aset(VALUE hash, VALUE key, VALUE val)
Inserts or replaces ("upsert"s) the objects into the given hash table.
VALUE rb_env_clear(void)
Destructively removes every environment variables of the running process.
VALUE rb_hash_lookup(VALUE hash, VALUE key)
Identical to rb_hash_aref(), except it always returns RUBY_Qnil for misshits.
VALUE rb_hash_dup(VALUE hash)
Duplicates a hash.
VALUE rb_hash(VALUE obj)
Calculates a message authentication code of the passed object.
VALUE rb_hash_clear(VALUE hash)
Swipes everything out of the passed hash table.
VALUE rb_hash_new(void)
Creates a new, empty hash object.
int capa
Designed capacity of the buffer.
Wraps (or simulates) __attribute__((nonnull))
uintptr_t VALUE
Type that represents a Ruby object.