Tweaking visibility of C variables/functions.
Shortcut macro equivalent to RUBY_SYMBOL_EXPORT_BEGIN extern "C" {.
VALUE rb_mod_remove_cvar(VALUE mod, VALUE name)
Resembles Module#remove_class_variable.
VALUE rb_obj_instance_variables(VALUE obj)
Resembles Object#instance_variables.
VALUE rb_f_untrace_var(int argc, const VALUE *argv)
Deletes the passed tracer from the passed global variable, or if omitted, deletes everything.
VALUE rb_const_get(VALUE space, ID name)
Identical to rb_const_defined(), except it returns the actual defined value.
VALUE rb_const_list(void *)
This is another mysterious API that comes with no documents at all.
VALUE rb_path2class(const char *path)
Resolves a Q::W::E::R-style path string to the actual class it points.
VALUE rb_autoload_p(VALUE space, ID name)
Queries if an autoload is defined at a point.
void rb_set_class_path(VALUE klass, VALUE space, const char *name)
Names a class.
VALUE rb_ivar_set(VALUE obj, ID name, VALUE val)
Identical to rb_iv_set(), except it accepts the name as an ID instead of a C string.
VALUE rb_mod_remove_const(VALUE space, VALUE name)
Resembles Module#remove_const.
VALUE rb_class_path_cached(VALUE mod)
Just another name of rb_mod_name.
VALUE rb_f_trace_var(int argc, const VALUE *argv)
Traces a global variable.
void rb_cvar_set(VALUE klass, ID name, VALUE val)
Assigns a value to a class variable.
VALUE rb_cvar_get(VALUE klass, ID name)
Obtains a value from a class variable.
VALUE rb_mod_constants(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE recv)
Resembles Module#constants.
VALUE rb_cvar_find(VALUE klass, ID name, VALUE *front)
Identical to rb_cvar_get(), except it takes additional "front" pointer.
VALUE rb_path_to_class(VALUE path)
Identical to rb_path2class(), except it accepts the path as Ruby's string instead of C's.
VALUE rb_ivar_get(VALUE obj, ID name)
Identical to rb_iv_get(), except it accepts the name as an ID instead of a C string.
void rb_ivar_foreach(VALUE obj, int(*func)(ID name, VALUE val, st_data_t arg), st_data_t arg)
Iterates over an object's instance variables.
void rb_const_set(VALUE space, ID name, VALUE val)
Names a constant.
VALUE rb_autoload_load(VALUE space, ID name)
Kicks the autoload procedure as if it was "touched".
VALUE rb_mod_name(VALUE mod)
Queries the name of a module.
VALUE rb_class_name(VALUE obj)
Queries the name of the given object's class.
VALUE rb_const_get_at(VALUE space, ID name)
Identical to rb_const_defined_at(), except it returns the actual defined value.
void rb_set_class_path_string(VALUE klass, VALUE space, VALUE name)
Identical to rb_set_class_path(), except it accepts the name as Ruby's string instead of C's.
void rb_alias_variable(ID dst, ID src)
Aliases a global variable.
void rb_define_class_variable(VALUE, const char *, VALUE)
Just another name of rb_cv_set.
VALUE rb_obj_remove_instance_variable(VALUE obj, VALUE name)
Resembles Object#remove_instance_variable.
void * rb_mod_const_of(VALUE, void *)
This is a variant of rb_mod_const_at().
st_index_t rb_ivar_count(VALUE obj)
Number of instance variables defined on an object.
void * rb_mod_const_at(VALUE, void *)
This API is mysterious.
VALUE rb_const_remove(VALUE space, ID name)
Identical to rb_mod_remove_const(), except it takes the name as ID instead of VALUE.
VALUE rb_const_get_from(VALUE space, ID name)
Identical to rb_const_defined_at(), except it returns the actual defined value.
VALUE rb_ivar_defined(VALUE obj, ID name)
Queries if the instance variable is defined at the object.
VALUE rb_cv_get(VALUE klass, const char *name)
Identical to rb_cvar_get(), except it accepts C's string instead of ID.
int rb_const_defined_at(VALUE space, ID name)
Identical to rb_const_defined(), except it doesn't look for parent classes.
void rb_cv_set(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE val)
Identical to rb_cvar_set(), except it accepts C's string instead of ID.
VALUE rb_mod_class_variables(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE recv)
Resembles Module#class_variables.
VALUE rb_f_global_variables(void)
Queries the list of global variables.
VALUE rb_cvar_defined(VALUE klass, ID name)
Queries if the given class has the given class variable.
VALUE rb_class_path(VALUE mod)
Identical to rb_mod_name(), except it returns #<Class: ...> style inspection for anonymous modules.
int rb_const_defined_from(VALUE space, ID name)
Identical to rb_const_defined(), except it returns false for private constants.
int rb_const_defined(VALUE space, ID name)
Queries if the constant is defined at the namespace.
void rb_free_generic_ivar(VALUE obj)
Frees the list of instance variables.
Wraps (or simulates) __attribute__((nonnull))
Wraps (or simulates) [[noreturn]]
uintptr_t ID
Type that represents a Ruby identifier such as a variable name.
uintptr_t VALUE
Type that represents a Ruby object.