►Nruby | The main namespace |
►Nbackward | Backwards compatibility layer |
►Ncxxanyargs | Provides ANYARGS deprecation warnings |
►Ndefine_method | Driver for *_define_method |
►Cdriver | Template metaprogramming to generate function prototypes |
Cengine | Defines a method |
►Cdriver0 | Template metaprogramming to generate function prototypes. |
Cengine | Defines a method |
Crb_define_global_function | Dispatches appropriate driver for rb_define_global_function |
Crb_define_method | Dispatches appropriate driver for rb_define_method |
Crb_define_method_id | Dispatches appropriate driver for rb_define_method_id |
Crb_define_module_function | Dispatches appropriate driver for rb_define_module_function |
Crb_define_private_method | Dispatches appropriate driver for rb_define_private_method |
Crb_define_protected_method | Dispatches appropriate driver for rb_define_protected_method |
Crb_define_singleton_method | Dispatches appropriate driver for rb_define_singleton_method |
C__attribute__ | |
C__rb_wasm_asyncify_fiber_ctx | |
C__rb_wasm_asyncify_jmp_buf | |
C__sbuf | |
C__sFILE | |
C__siov | |
C__suio | |
C_BBuf | |
C_Node | |
C_NtCmdLineElement | |
C_OnigStackType | |
Caccess_arg | |
Cadd_option_arg | |
CAnchorNode | |
Capply_arg | |
Capply_filename | |
Car_table_pair_struct | |
Car_table_struct | |
Cargf | |
Cargf_call_arg | |
Cargs_info | |
Carith_seq_gen | |
Cary_sort_data | |
Casciicompat_encoding_t | |
Cassoc_arg | |
CASTLocationData | |
CASTNodeData | |
Casynchronous_arg_t | |
Casyncify_buf | |
Cautoload_arguments | |
Cautoload_const | |
Cautoload_data | |
Cautoload_load_arguments | |
Cbackref_name_tag | |
Cbig2str_struct | |
Cbig_div_struct | |
CBigint | |
Cbinwrite_arg | |
Cbrace_args | |
CBRefNode | |
Cbufread_arg | |
Cbug_reporters | |
Cbuild_options_data | We need a struct here to pass through rb_protect and it has to be a single value |
Cbuiltin_binary | |
Cbytesequence4_or_float | |
CC_block | |
CCallNode | |
CCClassNode | |
Ccdhash_set_label_struct | |
Ccfunc_proc_t | |
Cchdir_data | |
CChildRecord | |
Cchown_args | |
Cchunk_arg | |
Cclone_const_arg | |
Cclone_method_arg | |
Ccode_page_table | |
Ccollect_caller_bindings_data | |
Ccollect_outer_variable_name_data | |
CConsAltNode | |
Cconstat | |
Ccont_saved_vm_stack | |
Ccopy_stream_struct | |
Ccoroutine_context | |
Ccoroutine_shared | |
Ccount_objects_data | |
Ccross_ractor_require | |
Ccrypt_data | |
CCtypeNode | |
Ccvc_table_copy_ctx | |
Cdefault_encoding | |
CDIR | |
Cdir_data | |
Cdirect | |
Cdirent_brace_args | |
Cdstr_ctxt | |
Cdump_arg | |
Cdump_call_arg | |
Ceach_obj_data | |
Cenc_synmane_type_leading_chars_tag | |
Cenc_table | |
CEncloseNode | |
Cend_expect_token_locations | |
Cend_proc_data | |
Censure_range | |
Cenum_chain | |
Cenum_product | |
Cenum_sum_memo | |
Cenumerator | |
Cequal_data | |
Ceval_string_wrap_arg | |
Cexec_recursive_params | |
Cfiber_pool | |
Cfiber_pool_allocation | |
Cfiber_pool_stack | |
Cfiber_pool_vacancy | |
Cfiber_scheduler_wait_for_arguments | |
CFILE_ID_128 | |
Cfinish_writeconv_arg | |
Cflat_map_i_arg | |
Cforeach_arg | |
Cforeach_safe_arg | |
Cfree_slot | |
Cfreed_ractor_local_keys_struct | |
Cfstr_update_arg | |
Cfunctor | |
Cgc_profile_record | |
Cgc_raise_tag | |
Cgc_sweep_context | |
Cgen_ivar_lookup_ensure_size | |
Cgen_ivtbl | |
Cgeneral_ivar_set_result | |
Cgenerator | |
Cgetline_arg | |
Cglob_args | |
Cglob_error_args | |
Cglob_pattern | |
Cglobal_object_list | |
CGroupNumRemap | |
Chash_foreach_arg | |
Chash_salt_t | |
Cheap_page | |
Cheap_page_body | |
Cheap_page_header | |
CIApplyCaseFoldArg | |
Cibf_dump | |
Cibf_dump_buffer | |
Cibf_dump_iseq_list_arg | |
Cibf_dump_object_list_arg | |
Cibf_header | |
Cibf_load | |
Cibf_load_buffer | |
Cibf_object_bignum | |
Cibf_object_complex_rational | |
Cibf_object_hash | |
Cibf_object_header | |
Cibf_object_regexp | |
Cibf_object_struct_range | |
Cibf_object_symbol | |
Cic_serial_entry | |
Cifaddrs | |
CINamesArg | |
Cinsn_data_struct | |
Cinterrupt_ractor_new_thread_data | |
Cio_buffer_blocking_region_argument | |
Cio_buffer_for_yield_instance_arguments | |
Cio_buffer_memmove_arguments | |
Cio_buffer_pread_internal_argument | |
Cio_buffer_pwrite_internal_argument | |
Cio_buffer_read_internal_argument | |
Cio_buffer_write_internal_argument | |
Cio_encoding_set_args | |
Cio_internal_read_struct | |
Cio_internal_write_struct | |
Cioinfo | |
Ciovec | |
Ciseq_adjust_data | |
Ciseq_callback_data | |
Ciseq_catch_table | |
Ciseq_catch_table_entry | |
Ciseq_compile_data | |
Ciseq_compile_data_ensure_node_stack | |
Ciseq_compile_data_storage | |
Ciseq_inline_constant_cache | |
Ciseq_inline_constant_cache_entry | |
Ciseq_inline_cvar_cache_entry | |
Ciseq_inline_iv_cache_entry | |
Ciseq_inline_storage_entry | |
Ciseq_insn_data | |
Ciseq_insn_info_entry | |
Ciseq_label_data | |
Ciseq_link_anchor | |
Ciseq_link_element | |
Ciseq_trace_data | |
Citer_method_arg | |
Civ_itr_data | |
Cjoin_arg | |
Ckwtable | |
Clazyenum_funcs | |
Clex_context | |
Clex_pointer_string | |
Cload_arg | |
Cload_file_arg | |
Cloaded_feature_searching | |
Clocal_var_list | |
Clocal_vars | |
Cmagic_comment | |
Cmalloc_obj_info | |
Cmapping_buffer | |
Cmark_stack | |
Cmarshal_compat_t | |
Cmasgn_lhs_node | |
Cmasgn_state | |
Cmax_t | |
Cmethod_entry_arg | |
Cmin_t | |
Cminmax_by_t | |
Cminmax_t | |
CMinMaxLen | |
Cmkdir_arg | |
CMMTk_final_job | |
CMMTk_GCThreadTLS | |
CMMTk_ObjectClosure | |
CMMTk_ractor_cache | |
CMMTk_RawVecOfObjRef | |
CMMTk_RubyBindingOptions | |
CMMTk_RubyUpcalls | |
Cmsghdr | |
CMT | |
Cname_error_message_struct | |
CNameEntry | |
Cnmin_data | |
Cno_gvl_stat_data | |
Cnode_buffer_elem_struct | |
Cnode_buffer_list_t | |
Cnode_buffer_struct | |
CNodeBase | |
CNodeOptInfo | |
Cnogvl_chmod_data | |
Cnogvl_chown_data | |
Cobj_traverse_callback_data | |
Cobj_traverse_data | |
Cobj_traverse_replace_callback_data | |
Cobj_traverse_replace_data | |
Cobjspace | |
Cobjspace_and_reason | |
Coldbt_arg | |
Coldbt_bugreport_arg | |
COnigCacheOpcode | |
COnigCaseFoldCodeItem | |
COnigCompileInfo | |
COnigEncodingTypeST | |
COnigEndCallListItem | |
COnigErrorInfo | |
COnigMatchArg | |
COnigMetaCharTableType | |
COnigPairCaseFoldCodes | |
COnigRepeatRange | |
COnigSyntaxType | |
COnigToken | |
Copen_struct | |
Copendir_at_arg | |
COptAncInfo | |
COptEnv | |
COptExactInfo | |
COptMapInfo | |
Cos_each_struct | |
Couter_variable_list | |
Couter_variable_pair | |
Cpair_t | |
Cparse_lex_data_t | This struct gets stored in the parser and passed in to the lex callback any time a new token is found |
Cparse_regular_expression_error_data_t | This struct is used to pass information between the regular expression parser and the error callback |
Cparse_regular_expression_named_capture_data_t | This struct is used to pass information between the regular expression parser and the named capture callback |
Cparser_params | |
Cparser_st_hash_type | |
Cparser_st_table | |
Cparser_string_buffer | |
Cparser_string_buffer_elem | |
Cpath_string | |
Cpin_array_list | |
Cpinned_list | |
Cpipe_list | |
Cpm_alias_global_variable_node | AliasGlobalVariableNode |
Cpm_alias_method_node | AliasMethodNode |
Cpm_alternation_pattern_node | AlternationPatternNode |
Cpm_and_node | AndNode |
Cpm_arguments_node | ArgumentsNode |
Cpm_arguments_t | This is a special out parameter to the parse_arguments_list function that includes opening and closing parentheses in addition to the arguments since it's so common |
Cpm_array_node | ArrayNode |
Cpm_array_pattern_node | ArrayPatternNode |
Cpm_assoc_node | AssocNode |
Cpm_assoc_splat_node | AssocSplatNode |
Cpm_back_reference_read_node | BackReferenceReadNode |
Cpm_begin_node | BeginNode |
Cpm_binding_powers_t | This struct represents a set of binding powers used for a given token |
Cpm_block_argument_node | BlockArgumentNode |
Cpm_block_local_variable_node | BlockLocalVariableNode |
Cpm_block_node | BlockNode |
Cpm_block_parameter_node | BlockParameterNode |
Cpm_block_parameters_node | BlockParametersNode |
Cpm_break_node | BreakNode |
Cpm_buffer_t | A pm_buffer_t is a simple memory buffer that stores data in a contiguous block of memory |
Cpm_call_and_write_node | CallAndWriteNode |
Cpm_call_node | CallNode |
Cpm_call_operator_write_node | CallOperatorWriteNode |
Cpm_call_or_write_node | CallOrWriteNode |
Cpm_call_target_node | CallTargetNode |
Cpm_capture_pattern_node | CapturePatternNode |
Cpm_case_match_node | CaseMatchNode |
Cpm_case_node | CaseNode |
Cpm_class_node | ClassNode |
Cpm_class_variable_and_write_node | ClassVariableAndWriteNode |
Cpm_class_variable_operator_write_node | ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode |
Cpm_class_variable_or_write_node | ClassVariableOrWriteNode |
Cpm_class_variable_read_node | ClassVariableReadNode |
Cpm_class_variable_target_node | ClassVariableTargetNode |
Cpm_class_variable_write_node | ClassVariableWriteNode |
Cpm_comment | This is a node in the linked list of comments that we've found while parsing |
Cpm_constant_and_write_node | ConstantAndWriteNode |
Cpm_constant_id_list_t | A list of constant IDs |
Cpm_constant_operator_write_node | ConstantOperatorWriteNode |
Cpm_constant_or_write_node | ConstantOrWriteNode |
Cpm_constant_path_and_write_node | ConstantPathAndWriteNode |
Cpm_constant_path_node | ConstantPathNode |
Cpm_constant_path_operator_write_node | ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode |
Cpm_constant_path_or_write_node | ConstantPathOrWriteNode |
Cpm_constant_path_target_node | ConstantPathTargetNode |
Cpm_constant_path_write_node | ConstantPathWriteNode |
Cpm_constant_pool_bucket_t | A bucket in the hash map |
Cpm_constant_pool_t | The overall constant pool, which stores constants found while parsing |
Cpm_constant_read_node | ConstantReadNode |
Cpm_constant_t | A constant in the pool which effectively stores a string |
Cpm_constant_target_node | ConstantTargetNode |
Cpm_constant_write_node | ConstantWriteNode |
Cpm_context_node | This is a node in a linked list of contexts |
Cpm_def_node | DefNode |
Cpm_defined_node | DefinedNode |
Cpm_diagnostic_data_t | This struct holds the data for each diagnostic |
Cpm_diagnostic_t | This struct represents a diagnostic generated during parsing |
Cpm_else_node | ElseNode |
Cpm_embedded_statements_node | EmbeddedStatementsNode |
Cpm_embedded_variable_node | EmbeddedVariableNode |
Cpm_encoding_t | This struct defines the functions necessary to implement the encoding interface so we can determine how many bytes the subsequent character takes |
Cpm_ensure_node | EnsureNode |
Cpm_false_node | FalseNode |
Cpm_find_pattern_node | FindPatternNode |
Cpm_flip_flop_node | FlipFlopNode |
Cpm_float_node | FloatNode |
Cpm_for_node | ForNode |
Cpm_forwarding_arguments_node | ForwardingArgumentsNode |
Cpm_forwarding_parameter_node | ForwardingParameterNode |
Cpm_forwarding_super_node | ForwardingSuperNode |
Cpm_global_variable_and_write_node | GlobalVariableAndWriteNode |
Cpm_global_variable_operator_write_node | GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode |
Cpm_global_variable_or_write_node | GlobalVariableOrWriteNode |
Cpm_global_variable_read_node | GlobalVariableReadNode |
Cpm_global_variable_target_node | GlobalVariableTargetNode |
Cpm_global_variable_write_node | GlobalVariableWriteNode |
Cpm_hash_node | HashNode |
Cpm_hash_pattern_node | HashPatternNode |
Cpm_heredoc_lex_mode_t | All of the information necessary to store to lexing a heredoc |
Cpm_if_node | IfNode |
Cpm_imaginary_node | ImaginaryNode |
Cpm_implicit_node | ImplicitNode |
Cpm_implicit_rest_node | ImplicitRestNode |
Cpm_in_node | InNode |
Cpm_index_and_write_node | IndexAndWriteNode |
Cpm_index_operator_write_node | IndexOperatorWriteNode |
Cpm_index_or_write_node | IndexOrWriteNode |
Cpm_index_target_node | IndexTargetNode |
Cpm_instance_variable_and_write_node | InstanceVariableAndWriteNode |
Cpm_instance_variable_operator_write_node | InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode |
Cpm_instance_variable_or_write_node | InstanceVariableOrWriteNode |
Cpm_instance_variable_read_node | InstanceVariableReadNode |
Cpm_instance_variable_target_node | InstanceVariableTargetNode |
Cpm_instance_variable_write_node | InstanceVariableWriteNode |
Cpm_integer_node | IntegerNode |
Cpm_integer_t | A structure represents an arbitrary-sized integer |
Cpm_interpolated_match_last_line_node | InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode |
Cpm_interpolated_regular_expression_node | InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode |
Cpm_interpolated_string_node | InterpolatedStringNode |
Cpm_interpolated_symbol_node | InterpolatedSymbolNode |
Cpm_interpolated_x_string_node | InterpolatedXStringNode |
Cpm_iseq_new_with_opt_data | |
Cpm_it_local_variable_read_node | ItLocalVariableReadNode |
Cpm_it_parameters_node | ItParametersNode |
Cpm_keyword_hash_node | KeywordHashNode |
Cpm_keyword_rest_parameter_node | KeywordRestParameterNode |
Cpm_lambda_node | LambdaNode |
Cpm_lex_callback_t | When you are lexing through a file, the lexer needs all of the information that the parser additionally provides (for example, the local table) |
Cpm_lex_mode | When lexing Ruby source, the lexer has a small amount of state to tell which kind of token it is currently lexing |
Cpm_line_column_t | A line and column in a string |
Cpm_list_node | This struct represents an abstract linked list that provides common functionality |
Cpm_list_t | This represents the overall linked list |
Cpm_local_index_struct | Getlocal and setlocal instructions require two parameters |
Cpm_local_t | This tracks an individual local variable in a certain lexical context, as well as the number of times is it read |
Cpm_local_table_insert_ctx | |
Cpm_local_variable_and_write_node | LocalVariableAndWriteNode |
Cpm_local_variable_operator_write_node | LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode |
Cpm_local_variable_or_write_node | LocalVariableOrWriteNode |
Cpm_local_variable_read_node | LocalVariableReadNode |
Cpm_local_variable_target_node | LocalVariableTargetNode |
Cpm_local_variable_write_node | LocalVariableWriteNode |
Cpm_locals | This is a set of local variables in a certain lexical context (method, class, module, etc.) |
Cpm_location_t | This represents a range of bytes in the source string to which a node or token corresponds |
Cpm_magic_comment_t | This is a node in the linked list of magic comments that we've found while parsing |
Cpm_match_last_line_node | MatchLastLineNode |
Cpm_match_predicate_node | MatchPredicateNode |
Cpm_match_required_node | MatchRequiredNode |
Cpm_match_write_node | MatchWriteNode |
Cpm_missing_node | MissingNode |
Cpm_module_node | ModuleNode |
Cpm_multi_target_node | MultiTargetNode |
Cpm_multi_target_state_node | This is a node in the multi target state linked list |
Cpm_multi_target_state_t | As we're compiling a multi target, we need to track additional information whenever there is a parent expression on the left hand side of the target |
Cpm_multi_write_node | MultiWriteNode |
Cpm_newline_list_t | A list of offsets of newlines in a string |
Cpm_next_node | NextNode |
Cpm_nil_node | NilNode |
Cpm_no_keywords_parameter_node | NoKeywordsParameterNode |
Cpm_node | This is the base structure that represents a node in the syntax tree |
Cpm_node_hash_t | An internal hash table for a set of nodes |
Cpm_node_list | A list of nodes in the source, most often used for lists of children |
Cpm_node_location_t | This compiler defines its own concept of the location of a node |
Cpm_node_stack_node | |
Cpm_numbered_parameters_node | NumberedParametersNode |
Cpm_numbered_reference_read_node | NumberedReferenceReadNode |
Cpm_optional_keyword_parameter_node | OptionalKeywordParameterNode |
Cpm_optional_parameter_node | OptionalParameterNode |
Cpm_options | The options that can be passed to the parser |
Cpm_options_scope | A scope of locals surrounding the code that is being parsed |
Cpm_or_node | OrNode |
Cpm_parameters_node | ParametersNode |
Cpm_parentheses_node | ParenthesesNode |
Cpm_parse_error_format_t | The format that will be used to format the errors into the output |
Cpm_parse_error_t | An error that is going to be formatted into the output |
Cpm_parse_result_t | |
Cpm_parser | This struct represents the overall parser |
Cpm_pinned_expression_node | PinnedExpressionNode |
Cpm_pinned_variable_node | PinnedVariableNode |
Cpm_post_execution_node | PostExecutionNode |
Cpm_pre_execution_node | PreExecutionNode |
Cpm_program_node | ProgramNode |
Cpm_range_node | RangeNode |
Cpm_rational_node | RationalNode |
Cpm_redo_node | RedoNode |
Cpm_regexp_options_t | This is the set of options that are configurable on the regular expression |
Cpm_regexp_parser_t | This is the parser that is going to handle parsing regular expressions |
Cpm_regexp_token_buffer_t | In order to properly set a regular expression's encoding and to validate the byte sequence for the underlying encoding we must process any escape sequences |
Cpm_regular_expression_node | RegularExpressionNode |
Cpm_required_keyword_parameter_node | RequiredKeywordParameterNode |
Cpm_required_parameter_node | RequiredParameterNode |
Cpm_rescue_modifier_node | RescueModifierNode |
Cpm_rescue_node | RescueNode |
Cpm_rest_parameter_node | RestParameterNode |
Cpm_retry_node | RetryNode |
Cpm_return_node | ReturnNode |
Cpm_scope | This struct represents a node in a linked list of scopes |
Cpm_scope_node | |
Cpm_self_node | SelfNode |
Cpm_shareable_constant_node | ShareableConstantNode |
Cpm_singleton_class_node | SingletonClassNode |
Cpm_source_encoding_node | SourceEncodingNode |
Cpm_source_file_node | SourceFileNode |
Cpm_source_line_node | SourceLineNode |
Cpm_splat_node | SplatNode |
Cpm_statements_node | StatementsNode |
Cpm_static_literals_metadata_t | A small struct used for passing around a subset of the information that is stored on the parser |
Cpm_static_literals_t | Certain sets of nodes (hash keys and when clauses) check for duplicate nodes to alert the user of potential issues |
Cpm_string_node | StringNode |
Cpm_string_t | A generic string type that can have various ownership semantics |
Cpm_super_node | SuperNode |
Cpm_symbol_node | SymbolNode |
Cpm_token_buffer_t | When we're lexing certain types (strings, symbols, lists, etc.) we have string content associated with the tokens |
Cpm_token_t | This struct represents a token in the Ruby source |
Cpm_true_node | TrueNode |
Cpm_undef_node | UndefNode |
Cpm_unless_node | UnlessNode |
Cpm_until_node | UntilNode |
Cpm_when_node | WhenNode |
Cpm_while_node | WhileNode |
Cpm_x_string_node | XStringNode |
Cpm_yield_node | YieldNode |
CPosixBracketEntryType | |
Cprdwr_internal_arg | |
Cprint_to_arg | |
Cproc_entry | |
Cproducer | |
Cproduct_state | |
Cpush_glob0_args | |
Cpush_glob_args | |
CQtfrNode | |
Cqueue_sleep_arg | |
Cqueue_waiter | |
Cractor_local_storage_store_data | |
Cractor_newobj_cache | |
Cractor_newobj_heap_cache | |
Cractor_selector_clear_data | |
CRArray | Ruby's array |
Crb_args_info | |
Crb_arithmetic_sequence_components_t | Decomposed Enumerator::ArithmeicSequence |
Crb_ast_body_struct | |
Crb_ast_id_table | |
Crb_ast_local_table_link | |
Crb_ast_struct | |
Crb_at_exit_list | |
Crb_backtrace_location_struct | |
Crb_backtrace_struct | |
Crb_binding_t | |
Crb_block | |
Crb_blocking_operation_wait_arguments | |
Crb_blocking_region_buffer | |
Crb_builtin_function | |
Crb_call_data | |
Crb_callable_method_entry_struct | |
Crb_callcache | |
Crb_callinfo | |
Crb_callinfo_kwarg | |
Crb_calling_info | |
Crb_captured_block | |
►Crb_class_cc_entries | |
Crb_class_cc_entries_entry | |
Crb_classext_struct | |
Crb_code_location_struct | |
Crb_code_position_struct | |
Crb_compile_option_struct | |
Crb_condvar | |
Crb_const_entry_struct | |
Crb_context_struct | |
Crb_control_frame_struct | |
Crb_cref_struct | CREF (Class REFerence) |
Crb_cvar_class_tbl_entry | |
Crb_darray_meta | |
Crb_data_type_struct | This is the struct that holds necessary info for a struct. |
Crb_debug_inspector_struct | |
Crb_dirent | |
Crb_econv_elem_t | |
Crb_econv_init_by_convpath_t | |
Crb_econv_t | |
Crb_encoding_entry | |
Crb_env_t | |
Crb_event_hook_struct | |
Crb_execarg | |
Crb_execution_context_struct | |
Crb_ext_config | |
Crb_fdset_t | The data structure which wraps the fd_set bitmap used by select(2) |
Crb_fiber_scheduler_blocking_operation_state | |
Crb_fiber_struct | |
Crb_forwarding_call_data | |
Crb_gc_impl_each_object_data | |
Crb_gc_impl_each_objects_data | |
Crb_global_entry | |
Crb_global_variable | |
Crb_heap_struct | |
Crb_hook_list_struct | |
Crb_id_item | |
Crb_id_table | |
Crb_imemo_tmpbuf_struct | |
Crb_internal_thread_event_data | |
Crb_interrupt_exec_task | |
Crb_io | Ruby's IO, metadata and buffers |
Crb_io_buffer | |
Crb_io_close_wait_list | |
Crb_io_encoding | Decomposed encoding flags (e.g |
Crb_io_internal_buffer | IO buffers |
►Crb_iseq_constant_body | |
Ciseq_insn_info | |
Crb_iseq_location_struct | |
Crb_iseq_new_with_callback_callback_func | |
Crb_iseq_struct | |
Crb_jit_cont | |
Crb_locations_lambda_body_t | |
Crb_matchext_struct | Represents a match |
Crb_memory_view_entry | Operations applied to a specific kind of a memory view |
Crb_memory_view_item_component_t | Memory view component metadata |
Crb_memory_view_t | A MemoryView structure, rb_memory_view_t , is used for exporting objects' MemoryView |
Crb_method_alias_struct | |
Crb_method_attr_struct | |
Crb_method_bmethod_struct | |
Crb_method_cfunc_struct | |
Crb_method_definition_struct | |
Crb_method_entry_struct | |
Crb_method_iseq_struct | |
Crb_method_optimized | |
Crb_method_refined_struct | |
Crb_mutex_sleep_arguments | |
Crb_mutex_struct | |
Crb_native_thread | |
Crb_node_and_t | |
Crb_obj_traverse_final_data | |
►Crb_objspace | |
Crb_gc_config | |
Crb_parser_ary | |
Crb_parser_ast_token | |
Crb_parser_string | |
Crb_postponed_job_queue | |
Crb_printf_buffer_extra | |
Crb_proc_t | |
Crb_process_status | |
Crb_queue | |
Crb_ractor_basket | |
Crb_ractor_local_key_struct | |
Crb_ractor_local_storage_type | Type that defines a ractor-local storage |
Crb_ractor_pub | |
Crb_ractor_queue | |
Crb_ractor_selector | |
Crb_ractor_selector_take_config | |
Crb_ractor_struct | |
►Crb_ractor_sync | |
Cractor_wait | |
Crb_random_interface_t | PRNG algorithmic interface, analogous to Ruby level classes |
Crb_random_mt_t | |
Crb_random_struct | Base components of the random interface |
Crb_scan_args_t | |
Crb_scope_visi_struct | |
Crb_shape | |
Crb_shape_tree_t | |
Crb_stat | |
Crb_strterm_heredoc_struct | |
Crb_strterm_literal_struct | |
Crb_strterm_struct | |
Crb_subclass_entry | Internal header for Class |
Crb_symbols_t | |
Crb_szqueue | |
Crb_thread_sched | |
Crb_thread_sched_item | |
Crb_thread_sched_waiting | |
Crb_thread_struct | |
Crb_tp_struct | |
Crb_trace_arg_struct | |
Crb_transcoder | |
►Crb_transcoding | |
Crb_transcoding_state_t | |
Crb_unblock_callback | |
Crb_uniform_sort_data | |
Crb_vm_struct | |
Crb_vm_tag | |
Crb_w32_reparse_buffer_t | |
Crb_waiting_list | |
Crb_wasm_fiber_context | |
Crb_wasm_jmp_buf | |
Crb_wasm_try_catch | |
Crb_workqueue_job | |
CRBasic | Ruby object's base components |
CRBignum | |
CRClass | |
CRClass_and_rb_classext_t | |
CRComplex | Internal header for Complex |
CRData | |
Cre_pattern_buffer | |
Cre_registers | |
Creceive_block_data | |
Credblack_node | |
Crefinement_import_methods_arg | |
Creg_init_args | |
Creg_named_capture_assign_t | |
Creg_onig_search_args | |
Crehash_arg | |
Crename_args | |
Creport_expansion | |
Crescue_funcall_args | |
CRFile | Ruby's File and IO |
CRFloat | |
CRHash | |
CRIMemo | |
CRMatch | Regular expression execution context |
Crmatch_offset | Represents the region of a capture group |
CRMoved | |
CRNode | |
CRNode_ALIAS | |
CRNode_ARGS | |
CRNode_BEGIN | |
CRNode_BLOCK | |
CRNode_CALL | |
CRNode_CASE | |
CRNode_CASE2 | |
CRNode_CASE3 | |
CRNode_CDECL | |
CRNode_CLASS | |
CRNode_COLON2 | |
CRNode_COLON3 | |
CRNode_CONST | |
CRNode_CVAR | |
CRNode_DASGN | |
CRNode_DEFN | |
CRNode_DEFS | |
CRNode_DOTS | |
CRNode_DSTR | |
CRNode_DVAR | |
CRNode_ERROR | |
CRNode_EVSTR | |
CRNode_EXITS | |
CRNode_FALSE | |
CRNode_FCALL | |
CRNode_FILE | |
CRNode_FLOAT | |
CRNode_GASGN | |
CRNode_GVAR | |
CRNode_HASH | |
CRNode_IASGN | |
CRNode_IF | |
CRNode_IN | |
CRNode_ITER | |
CRNode_IVAR | |
CRNode_KW_ARG | |
CRNode_LASGN | |
CRNode_LINE | |
CRNode_LIST | |
CRNode_LOOP | |
CRNode_LVAR | |
CRNode_MASGN | |
CRNode_MATCH2 | |
CRNode_MATCH3 | |
CRNode_NIL | |
CRNode_NTH_REF | |
CRNode_ONCE | |
CRNode_OP_ASGN1 | |
CRNode_OP_ASGN2 | |
CRNode_OPT_ARG | |
CRNode_QCALL | |
CRNode_REGX | |
CRNode_RETRY | |
CRNode_SCOPE | |
CRNode_SELF | |
CRNode_SPLAT | |
CRNode_STR | |
CRNode_SUPER | |
CRNode_SYM | |
CRNode_TRUE | |
CRNode_UNDEF | |
CRNode_VCALL | |
CRNode_WHEN | |
CRNode_YIELD | |
CRNode_ZLIST | |
CRObject | Ruby's ordinal objects |
Croot_objects_data | |
CRRational | Internal header for Rational |
CRRegexp | Ruby's regular expression |
CRString | Ruby's String |
CRStruct | |
CRSymbol | |
CRTypedData | "Typed" user data |
Cruby_cmdline_options | |
Cruby_dtrace_method_hook_args | |
Cruby_features_t | |
Cruby_gc_params_t | |
Cruby_glob_entries_t | |
Cruby_glob_funcs_t | |
Cruby_opt_message | |
Cruby_parser | |
Crun_exec_dup2_fd_pair | |
CRZombie | |
CScanEnv | |
Csearch_path_bfs_t | |
Csearch_path_queue_tag | |
Cseek_arg | |
Cselect_args | |
Cselect_bang_arg | |
Cselect_set | |
Cshift_var | |
Csignals | |
Csip_hash | |
Csip_state | |
Csip_uint64_t | |
Csleep_call | |
Csliceafter_arg | |
Cslicebefore_arg | |
Cslicewhen_arg | |
Csort_by_data | |
Cspawn_args | |
Cst_features | |
Cst_hash_type | |
Cst_str_end_key | |
Cst_table | |
Cst_table_entry | |
Cstack_chunk | |
Cstack_node | |
Cstat_args | |
Cstati128 | |
Cstring_part | |
Cstringpool_t | |
CStrNode | |
Cstruct_hash_set_arg | |
Csubclass_traverse_data | |
Cswapf32 | |
Cswapf64 | |
Csync_waiter | |
Csysopen_struct | |
Ctake_wait_take_cleanup_data | |
Cthgroup | |
Cthread_create_params | |
Ctime_object | |
Ctimespec | |
Ctimetick | |
Ctimeval | |
Ctimezone | |
Ctms | |
Ctoken_info | |
Ctr | |
Ctrace_clear_local_events_struct | |
Ctrace_data | |
Ctrace_set_local_events_struct | |
Ctrace_var | |
Ctrans_open_t | |
Ctranscoder_entry_t | |
Ctransform_keys_args | |
CU | |
CUnsetAddr | |
CUnsetAddrList | |
Cupdate_arg | |
Cupdate_callback_arg | |
Cupdate_func_arg | |
Cutimbuf | |
Cutime_args | |
Cvalued_frame_info | |
Cverify_internal_consistency_struct | |
Cvm_ifunc | IFUNC (Internal FUNCtion) |
Cvm_ifunc_argc | |
Cvm_svar | SVAR (Special VARiable) |
Cvm_throw_data | THROW_DATA |
Cvtable | |
Cvtm | |
Cw32_io_info_args | |
Cw32_io_info_t | |
Cw_ivar_arg | |
Cwaiting_fd | |
Cwaitpid_state | |
Cwarning_args | |
Cweakkeymap | |
Cweakmap | |
Cweakmap_entry | |
Cwkmap_aset_args | |
Cwmap_compact_table_data | |
Cwmap_foreach_data | |
Cwrite_arg | |
Cyielder | |
Cyjit_root_struct | |
Cyy_repair | |
Cyy_repair_terms | |
Cyy_repairs | |
Cyy_term | |
Cyypcontext_t | |