Ruby 3.5.0dev (2025-01-09 revision 841555245d770df88a0c8079fc97a51ffa7ef8e9)
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NrubyThe main namespace
 Cbuild_options_dataWe need a struct here to pass through rb_protect and it has to be a single value
 Cparse_lex_data_tThis struct gets stored in the parser and passed in to the lex callback any time a new token is found
 Cparse_regular_expression_error_data_tThis struct is used to pass information between the regular expression parser and the error callback
 Cparse_regular_expression_named_capture_data_tThis struct is used to pass information between the regular expression parser and the named capture callback
 Cpm_arguments_tThis is a special out parameter to the parse_arguments_list function that includes opening and closing parentheses in addition to the arguments since it's so common
 Cpm_binding_powers_tThis struct represents a set of binding powers used for a given token
 Cpm_buffer_tA pm_buffer_t is a simple memory buffer that stores data in a contiguous block of memory
 Cpm_commentThis is a node in the linked list of comments that we've found while parsing
 Cpm_constant_id_list_tA list of constant IDs
 Cpm_constant_pool_bucket_tA bucket in the hash map
 Cpm_constant_pool_tThe overall constant pool, which stores constants found while parsing
 Cpm_constant_tA constant in the pool which effectively stores a string
 Cpm_context_nodeThis is a node in a linked list of contexts
 Cpm_diagnostic_data_tThis struct holds the data for each diagnostic
 Cpm_diagnostic_tThis struct represents a diagnostic generated during parsing
 Cpm_encoding_tThis struct defines the functions necessary to implement the encoding interface so we can determine how many bytes the subsequent character takes
 Cpm_heredoc_lex_mode_tAll of the information necessary to store to lexing a heredoc
 Cpm_integer_tA structure represents an arbitrary-sized integer
 Cpm_lex_callback_tWhen you are lexing through a file, the lexer needs all of the information that the parser additionally provides (for example, the local table)
 Cpm_lex_modeWhen lexing Ruby source, the lexer has a small amount of state to tell which kind of token it is currently lexing
 Cpm_line_column_tA line and column in a string
 Cpm_list_nodeThis struct represents an abstract linked list that provides common functionality
 Cpm_list_tThis represents the overall linked list
 Cpm_local_index_structGetlocal and setlocal instructions require two parameters
 Cpm_local_tThis tracks an individual local variable in a certain lexical context, as well as the number of times is it read
 Cpm_localsThis is a set of local variables in a certain lexical context (method, class, module, etc.)
 Cpm_location_tThis represents a range of bytes in the source string to which a node or token corresponds
 Cpm_magic_comment_tThis is a node in the linked list of magic comments that we've found while parsing
 Cpm_multi_target_state_nodeThis is a node in the multi target state linked list
 Cpm_multi_target_state_tAs we're compiling a multi target, we need to track additional information whenever there is a parent expression on the left hand side of the target
 Cpm_newline_list_tA list of offsets of newlines in a string
 Cpm_nodeThis is the base structure that represents a node in the syntax tree
 Cpm_node_hash_tAn internal hash table for a set of nodes
 Cpm_node_listA list of nodes in the source, most often used for lists of children
 Cpm_node_location_tThis compiler defines its own concept of the location of a node
 Cpm_optionsThe options that can be passed to the parser
 Cpm_options_scopeA scope of locals surrounding the code that is being parsed
 Cpm_parse_error_format_tThe format that will be used to format the errors into the output
 Cpm_parse_error_tAn error that is going to be formatted into the output
 Cpm_parserThis struct represents the overall parser
 Cpm_regexp_options_tThis is the set of options that are configurable on the regular expression
 Cpm_regexp_parser_tThis is the parser that is going to handle parsing regular expressions
 Cpm_regexp_token_buffer_tIn order to properly set a regular expression's encoding and to validate the byte sequence for the underlying encoding we must process any escape sequences
 Cpm_scopeThis struct represents a node in a linked list of scopes
 Cpm_static_literals_metadata_tA small struct used for passing around a subset of the information that is stored on the parser
 Cpm_static_literals_tCertain sets of nodes (hash keys and when clauses) check for duplicate nodes to alert the user of potential issues
 Cpm_string_tA generic string type that can have various ownership semantics
 Cpm_token_buffer_tWhen we're lexing certain types (strings, symbols, lists, etc.) we have string content associated with the tokens
 Cpm_token_tThis struct represents a token in the Ruby source
 CRArrayRuby's array
 Crb_arithmetic_sequence_components_tDecomposed Enumerator::ArithmeicSequence
 Crb_cref_structCREF (Class REFerence)
 Crb_data_type_structThis is the struct that holds necessary info for a struct.
 Crb_fdset_tThe data structure which wraps the fd_set bitmap used by select(2)
 Crb_ioRuby's IO, metadata and buffers
 Crb_io_encodingDecomposed encoding flags (e.g
 Crb_io_internal_bufferIO buffers
 Crb_matchext_structRepresents a match
 Crb_memory_view_entryOperations applied to a specific kind of a memory view
 Crb_memory_view_item_component_tMemory view component metadata
 Crb_memory_view_tA MemoryView structure, rb_memory_view_t, is used for exporting objects' MemoryView
 Crb_ractor_local_storage_typeType that defines a ractor-local storage
 Crb_random_interface_tPRNG algorithmic interface, analogous to Ruby level classes
 Crb_random_structBase components of the random interface
 Crb_subclass_entryInternal header for Class
 CRBasicRuby object's base components
 CRComplexInternal header for Complex
 CRFileRuby's File and IO
 CRMatchRegular expression execution context
 Crmatch_offsetRepresents the region of a capture group
 CRObjectRuby's ordinal objects
 CRRationalInternal header for Rational
 CRRegexpRuby's regular expression
 CRStringRuby's String
 CRTypedData"Typed" user data
 Cvm_ifuncIFUNC (Internal FUNCtion)
 Cvm_svarSVAR (Special VARiable)