class Reline::KeyStroke
Public Class Methods
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# File lib/reline/key_stroke.rb, line 2 def initialize(config) @config = config end
Public Instance Methods
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# File lib/reline/key_stroke.rb, line 6 def compress_meta_key(ary) return ary unless @config.convert_meta ary.inject([]) { |result, key| if result.size > 0 and result.last == "\e".ord result[result.size - 1] =, key | 0b10000000, true) else result << key end result } end
equal?(me, other)
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# File lib/reline/key_stroke.rb, line 42 def equal?(me, other) case me when Array compressed_me = compress_meta_key(me) compressed_other = compress_meta_key(other) compressed_me.size == compressed_other.size and [compressed_me, compressed_other].transpose.all?{ |i| equal?(i[0], i[1]) } when Integer if other.is_a?(Reline::Key) if other.combined_char == "\e".ord false else other.combined_char == me end else me == other end when Reline::Key if other.is_a?(Integer) me.combined_char == other else me == other end end end
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# File lib/reline/key_stroke.rb, line 83 def expand(input) input = compress_meta_key(input) lhs = { |item| start_with?(input, item) }.sort_by(&:size).last return input unless lhs rhs = key_mapping[lhs] case rhs when String rhs_bytes = rhs.bytes expand(expand(rhs_bytes) + expand(input.drop(lhs.size))) when Symbol [rhs] + expand(input.drop(lhs.size)) when Array rhs end end
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# File lib/reline/key_stroke.rb, line 67 def match_status(input) { |lhs| start_with?(lhs, input) }.tap { |it| return :matched if it.size == 1 && equal?(it[0], input) return :matching if it.size == 1 && !equal?(it[0], input) return :matched if it.max_by(&:size)&.size&.< input.size return :matching if it.size > 1 } { |lhs| start_with?(input, lhs) }.tap { |it| return it.size > 0 ? :matched : :unmatched } end
start_with?(me, other)
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# File lib/reline/key_stroke.rb, line 18 def start_with?(me, other) compressed_me = compress_meta_key(me) compressed_other = compress_meta_key(other) i = 0 loop do my_c = compressed_me[i] other_c = compressed_other[i] other_is_last = (i + 1) == compressed_other.size me_is_last = (i + 1) == compressed_me.size if my_c != other_c if other_c == "\e".ord and other_is_last and my_c.is_a?(Reline::Key) and my_c.with_meta return true else return false end elsif other_is_last return true elsif me_is_last return false end i += 1 end end
Private Instance Methods
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# File lib/reline/key_stroke.rb, line 102 def key_mapping @config.key_bindings end