98VALUE rb_ary_new_from_args(
long n, ...);
117#define rb_ary_tmp_new rb_ary_hidden_new
657#define rb_ary_new2 rb_ary_new_capa
658#define rb_ary_new3 rb_ary_new_from_args
659#define rb_ary_new4 rb_ary_new_from_values
Tweaking visibility of C variables/functions.
Shortcut macro equivalent to RUBY_SYMBOL_EXPORT_BEGIN extern "C" {.
VALUE rb_ary_rotate(VALUE ary, long rot)
Destructively rotates the passed array in-place to towards its end.
VALUE rb_ary_new_from_values(long n, const VALUE *elts)
Identical to rb_ary_new_from_args(), except how objects are passed.
VALUE rb_ary_cmp(VALUE lhs, VALUE rhs)
Recursively compares each elements of the two arrays one-by-one using <=>.
VALUE rb_ary_rassoc(VALUE alist, VALUE key)
Identical to rb_ary_assoc(), except it scans the passed array from the opposite direction.
VALUE rb_ary_concat(VALUE lhs, VALUE rhs)
Destructively appends the contents of latter into the end of former.
VALUE rb_ary_assoc(VALUE alist, VALUE key)
Looks up the passed key, assuming the passed array is an alist.
VALUE rb_ary_reverse(VALUE ary)
Destructively reverses the passed array in-place.
VALUE rb_ary_shared_with_p(VALUE lhs, VALUE rhs)
Queries if the passed two arrays share the same backend storage.
VALUE rb_ary_shift(VALUE ary)
Destructively deletes an element from the beginning of the passed array and returns what was deleted.
VALUE rb_ary_sort(VALUE ary)
Creates a copy of the passed array, whose elements are sorted according to their <=> result.
VALUE rb_ary_resurrect(VALUE ary)
I guess there is no use case of this function in extension libraries, but this is a routine identical...
VALUE rb_ary_dup(VALUE ary)
Duplicates an array.
VALUE rb_ary_includes(VALUE ary, VALUE elem)
Queries if the passed array has the passed entry.
VALUE rb_ary_aref(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
Queries element(s) of an array.
VALUE rb_get_values_at(VALUE obj, long olen, int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE(*func)(VALUE obj, long oidx))
This was a generalisation of Array#values_at, Struct#values_at, and MatchData#values_at.
void rb_ary_free(VALUE ary)
Destroys the given array for no reason.
VALUE rb_ary_each(VALUE ary)
Iteratively yields each element of the passed array to the implicitly passed block if any.
VALUE rb_ary_delete_at(VALUE ary, long pos)
Destructively removes an element which resides at the specific index of the passed array.
VALUE rb_ary_plus(VALUE lhs, VALUE rhs)
Creates a new array, concatenating the former to the latter.
VALUE rb_ary_cat(VALUE ary, const VALUE *train, long len)
Destructively appends multiple elements at the end of the array.
void rb_ary_modify(VALUE ary)
Declares that the array is about to be modified.
VALUE rb_ary_replace(VALUE copy, VALUE orig)
Replaces the contents of the former object with the contents of the latter.
VALUE rb_check_array_type(VALUE obj)
Try converting an object to its array representation using its to_ary method, if any.
VALUE rb_ary_to_ary(VALUE obj)
Force converts an object to an array.
VALUE rb_ary_new(void)
Allocates a new, empty array.
VALUE rb_ary_new_capa(long capa)
Identical to rb_ary_new(), except it additionally specifies how many rooms of objects it should alloc...
VALUE rb_ary_resize(VALUE ary, long len)
Expands or shrinks the passed array to the passed length.
VALUE rb_ary_pop(VALUE ary)
Destructively deletes an element from the end of the passed array and returns what was deleted.
VALUE rb_ary_hidden_new(long capa)
Allocates a hidden (no class) empty array.
VALUE rb_ary_clear(VALUE ary)
Destructively removes everything form an array.
VALUE rb_ary_subseq(VALUE ary, long beg, long len)
Obtains a part of the passed array.
VALUE rb_ary_push(VALUE ary, VALUE elem)
Special case of rb_ary_cat() that it adds only one element.
VALUE rb_ary_freeze(VALUE obj)
Freeze an array, preventing further modifications.
VALUE rb_ary_to_s(VALUE ary)
Converts an array into a human-readable string.
VALUE rb_ary_entry(VALUE ary, long off)
Queries an element of an array.
VALUE rb_ary_sort_bang(VALUE ary)
Destructively sorts the passed array in-place, according to each elements' <=> result.
VALUE rb_assoc_new(VALUE car, VALUE cdr)
Identical to rb_ary_new_from_values(), except it expects exactly two parameters.
void rb_mem_clear(VALUE *buf, long len)
Fills the memory region with a series of RUBY_Qnil.
VALUE rb_ary_delete(VALUE ary, VALUE elem)
Destructively removes elements from the passed array, so that there would be no elements inside that ...
VALUE rb_ary_join(VALUE ary, VALUE sep)
Recursively stringises the elements of the passed array, flattens that result, then joins the sequenc...
void rb_ary_store(VALUE ary, long key, VALUE val)
Destructively stores the passed value to the passed array's passed index.
int capa
Designed capacity of the buffer.
int off
Offset inside of ptr.
int len
Length of the buffer.
Wraps (or simulates) __declspec((noalias))
Wraps (or simulates) C++11 noexcept
Wraps (or simulates) __attribute__((nonnull))
Wraps (or simulates) __attribute__((pure))
uintptr_t VALUE
Type that represents a Ruby object.