Arithmetic conversion between C's char and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's double and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's gid_t and Ruby's.
Handling of integers formerly known as Fixnums.
Arithmetic conversion between C's int and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's long long and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's intptr_t and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's long and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's mode_t and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's off_t and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's pid_t and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's short and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's size_t and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's st_data_t and Ruby's.
Arithmetic conversion between C's uid_t and Ruby's.